America: It's Time To Stand Up
A Letter to All Americans:
America – it’s time to show your true colors.
United We Stand – Divided We Fall was a slogan I heard many a time as a youngster growing up. Whether it be in a game of football, baseball, or as a group shoveling snow to get vehicles moving again – we did it together, young, and old, male and female, black and white, Christian and non-Christians. United together, people could do anything, win a game, and even land a man on the moon!
Now is the time: Stand Up America. It’s time to show your power and strength.
American’s have been proud and United during some of its darkest hours. World War I, World War II, After 9/11, Katrina, Fires, Floods etc. We were called into action to defend our country from those that wanted to destroy us, both foreign and domestic - and we turned out in droves to defend Liberty and all that she symbolizes. We answered the call to action.
Now we are at war again – but this war threatens us more than any gun, bomb, or missile before. The enemy attacks you and you don’t know you’ve been struck until it’s too late. The enemy is here NOW, in our land, in our homes, in our businesses and unfortunately in our schools – looking to kill any human being in its path. Forget about women and children first – the enemy doesn’t care about that. It just wants to kill you.
The enemy has been so successful it has come close to killing more Americans than any other war or disaster in our history as a country and in record time. The enemy is dividing us, tearing up America from sea to shining sea – laughing all the way – at its success in killing the innocent, na?ve, and the vulnerable. The enemy we are fighting today is COVID. Unlike other wars, this enemy wants no prisoners – it’s out to kill and it won’t stop until it succeeds. We, AMERICANS, need to RISE UP and put our personal beliefs and convictions aside, for love of country and fight Covid hard. The Vaccine is our weapon and so is wearing a mask. Two things every American can do for the good of the country. In past wars we relied on a select few to carry us through – now it’s time for ALL of us to Stand up and fight this war together. Isn’t it time to put country first over your own selfish interest? Nothing will stop this enemy harder than two simple things, vaccine, and mask. When you place your freedom over another Americans freedom to live you are not an American – your part of the enemy plan.
History will judge us for what we do. Are you for America, with America, and willing to fight for our country? Or are you interested instead in fighting each other while the enemy takes another human life when it could have been prevented? Are you ready to show your patriotism – for love of country?
We honor our soldiers, past and present, who have fought for our freedom. Soldiers are just not gun caring individuals. Soldiers are our health and science community? The doctors, nurses, scientists, whether on the front lines or behind the scenes, that are working to save Americans – they are part of the solution not the problem and certainly not the enemy, as many have recently been attacked by all people – fellow Americans. The problem with Covid is our own people have chosen to put self-interest before the good of the people. What American wants to see another human being suffer in an ICU unit or lose their loved one? What true American sends their child into a school filled with the hidden enemy lurking around every corner and says it’s my right not to mask? No, it’s not your right when it jeopardizes any other individuals right to live. Stop being selfish and lose the attitude that I am better than you. You are not.
This country was founded on the principal of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"
It is our obligation as human beings and God’s children to protect our fellow man in life, protect our fellow man’s liberty to live, and to have happiness in life. We are a nation of laws and always have been. However there is a greater law that we cannot ever overlook. The love of our fellow man vs our feeling of individual freedom. Miss Liberty Is standing and calling on us to Stand Up America and stop fighting one another and fight the enemy that is right in front of us –taking our grandparents, our parents, our children – the children we are supposed to protect at all costs. We have the weapons to win the war of Covid – but we must use them because we love America more than we love ourselves and our individual right to exist. Or do we?
Will you be a true patriotic American and rise to the occasion to defend your country from the voices of evil, ill-informed, and selfish individuals looking for a power and ego boost? America is being attacked within – and this is not what America is all about. Or will you be the American soldier who leads and works hard to defeat this Covid enemy, who is hell-bent on destroying this great county. Will you be a soldier with the same drive, determination to bear arms (Vaccine and Mask) that we used against Hitler, Stalin, Bin Laden, and other terrorists that threatening us? It’s judgement day folks – are you a true American or are you a home-grown enemy infiltrator. Actions will speak louder than any words.
In the decades ahead, when we are no longer on this earth, will they say the American public stood up to defend itself from the enemy or will they say – they lost the war – because they were so blind and selfish? We will be judged by the future on our actions today.
America – it’s time to Stand Up and Fight for Your County against the skepticism of a few and the voices of the devil that are among us edging us on to follow the Pied Piper. Death comes to those who follow the Pied Piper – we are seeing it now every day. If you deny this – you are blind. Let’s do it America – no more deaths need to happen if we rise up and do our American duty to save our country and its people. Vaccinate and Mask up – it’s the weapon that will destroy the enemy. Yelling, "It’s my right to do what I want to do" is now becoming the Battle Cry of the enemy amongst us.
Ask yourself, which side are you on?