America - It’s NOT all about Trump…!
Steve Dalton
Bottle & Jar Analyst/Consultant, Glass Identification Services + Glassplant Confidential
I’m going out on a limb here…. every day I’m reminded of something that just does not sit well with me. I feel compelled to write about it here… if only to satisfy myself that I put my hand up and spoke!
The U.S. is about to elect a president for the next term. Great – we all know what a democracy is…. and we all know regardless who wins, it will have been a democratic process...
Well America, if you believe this, then dare I say it, you will believe anything…..!
I, as a non American and someone who has absolutely no stake in the outcome of the election, are deeply disturbed at what I have seen since President Trump was put into power last election. Lets go back…. I remember not-so-long after Trump made president, he and his wife visited France and were shown with the French president and first lady. You might remember, Trump made a comment about the dress the first-lady was wearing… a compliment. Far be it from me to start a debate on social etiquette, but I thought ‘good on you’ for doing so. When we have reached the stage when a man cannot complement a woman, or vice versa, there is no hope for any of us. To me it signified we have a President of a new breed – a new persona who will talk as he thinks, and not by the unwritten rules.
So what happened…. A barrage of press from the USA denouncing this ‘unbecoming and embarrassing’ behaviour….. It was at this early point that something in me realised there was something simmering behind the scenes… something that did not sit comfortably with me.
Since those early days, I have watched the news with interest – particularly the events surrounding President Trump. I have to say that this underlying force has never disappeared, in fact the opposite – increasing in intensity to portray an ‘ordinary’ man as the demon of the universe. But not only in the USA. You all know those certain high-profile TV Networks and Newspapers I’m talking about – Media outlets that once to me were the voices of the ‘free world’, but no more. What they portray about America and Trump is sucked up around the globe by affiliated newspapers, who publish their manipulative messages without any thought of whether its fact or fiction. Even in my country – far removed from the USA, the public is being manipulated by this seemingly irrepressible force.
About me for a moment. My business has been struck a major blow due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Half of my role was spent in China assisting Food and Beverage manufacturers with their sourcing and production of glass bottles and jars. For me, this part of my business is far from returning. I look at Trump and think if he can withstand the murky underlying forces that attack him every day, then my position pales in comparison and I also must face the challenges head on. If I am to believe the media, Trump is responsible for all things bad…. including Covid-19. Come on America – we are smarter than this. Even in my country (New Zealand), an island of less than 5 million, Covid-19 has been a challenge. Arguably one of the easiest countries in the world to control this evil virus, but yes, even we have flare-ups that keep us totally grounded about the immensity of this thing. So put this into a country the size of the USA with its myriads of opinions and attitudes, and try to blame Trump for the situation America is in now??? No person on earth could ever control this virus in the USA, short of putting the military on the streets with orders to shoot on sight anyone who dares venture from their homes. Yes – America has had it bad, like many other countries, but lets not be manipulated into thinking Trump could have solved a problem even God might have struggled with….
Whilst on the subject of manipulation, I have already mentioned I have significant experience in China, and I have first hand knowledge of how the average person there thinks, and how information is processed to make the vast majority think along common lines. For those that think China manipulates their population, I can tell you emphatically America – you have been, and are currently being manipulated to a far greater degree RIGHT NOW than anything I have seen in China. The subtle bombardment of negative news associated with Trump, day after day after day…. For me looking in as an outsider, I find this disturbing as elections MUST be fought on a level playing field.
As for Biden and Trump, I am not overly impressed with any of them. I am very much against Trumps environmental policy, and the support to allow companies to drill for oil in wilderness areas. BAD policy. But not bad enough that it cannot be stopped with peaceful protest, and certainly not bad enough to let an opponent get into power on a tide of subtle manipulation and subtle influencing of public opinion. You know, just last night I turned on the TV late in the evening, and what would be on?? A TV program from the USA we get in NZ called “The Late Show”. This guy who is clearly an influencer by the name of Stephen Colbert (I think I got that name right!) spends significant time on this show interviewing Democrats who clearly have an interest in removing Trump. No even and unbiased commentary – just total abuse of position in a program deemed ‘suitable for public viewing’. All part of this constant barrage that has clearly been intricately planned across the total spectrum of engagement of the public.
Kiwis and Americans have long been good friends and allies, and I have always looked at America in wonderment at the technological developments throughout history - specifically following the Space program over the years and admiring the American spirit. Even this week, a USA unmanned craft touched the surface of an asteroid and scooped up some rubble to return to Earth – amazing!! But on the other side, certain USA News Channels and Newspapers are doing their downright best to alter the world’s perception of your great country. In the lead-up to the election you will hear them say the “process is being rigged by China or Russia”, and “Trump is collaborating with bad people”, and “Trump is responsible for all the violent protests and the loss of law & order” etc etc etc…. I hope these News outlets are NOT given the opportunity to succeed in their quest to degrade America’s name - but that’s over to you, the American people.
Well America – I have got this off my Chest, finally!! You may or may not agree with me. But to put it bluntly, you as Americans have the option and opportunity to ‘stick-it-up’ the manipulative evil forces that right now think they have got the masses under control, and this election in the bag….. It’s time for the people to VOTE FOR WHATS RIGHT, more than simply voting for a President.
Cheers and best wishes to you all….. I hope I have done my tiny bit to make “America Great Again”!!
P.S. Also please remember this is just an ‘outsiders’ opinion looking in, and communicated in a respectful way. It is not intended to start a barrage of opposing opinion. If you have differing opinions, like me, you should field your own post. Thanks for your understanding!