Will America ever be back? President Joe Biden's " America is 'back" D-Day anniversary question.
Shahinul Khalisdar
Tax Advisor | Business Advisor/ Taxation Expertise/ Enrolled Agent (EA)/Master of Science in Taxation (MST)/ Author
The D-Day anniversary is being widely covered by European and American media, with a focus on honoring the heroes of that period and recognizing American exceptionalism. However, it's important to note the vast cultural and generational differences when discussing the "Greatest Generation" and the present era.
I am a son of a "Greatest Generation" who was involved in politics in the 1940s,50s and 60s. I can see things with my naked eyes that the children of baby boomers and their children will never see or understand. D-Day was a significant day in Europe, and it was a mile-flock that united hundreds of centuries-old foes into the alley to fight against a common enemy: "The Nazis." But Japan dragged the USA into the War.
The "Greatest Generation" lived in a time that was vastly different from our own in terms of politics, social norms, religion, and economy. Their economy was backed by tangible assets such as gold, silver, and precious stones, unlike today's system, which relies more on printed paper money. Therefore, any comparisons and political analysis should be contextualized within that specific historical period without being overshadowed by pride and arrogance. It's important to prioritize knowledge, facts and reasoned analysis in order to truly understand and appreciate the differences between the two eras.
What is D-Day? The Normandy landings, known as D-Day, took place on June 6, 1944, during World War II as part of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord. Codenamed Operation Neptune, it remained the largest seaborne invasion in history and marked the beginning of the liberation of France and Western Europe from "The Nazis.". The planning for this operation started in 1943 and involved a significant military deception to mislead "The Nazis.". The initial weather conditions were suboptimal, resulting in a 24-hour delay. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel was placed in command of "The Nazis." forces in anticipation of the invasion, while Major General Dwight D. Eisenhower led the Allied forces. The invasion started with aerial and naval bombardment as well as an airborne assault, followed by amphibious landings. The landings faced heavy resistance, and the Allies initially failed to achieve many of their major objectives. However, they gradually expanded their foothold in the following months. The estimated "Nazis." casualties on D-Day ranged from 4,000 to 9,000, while Allied casualties were at least 10,000, including 4,414 confirmed dead.
Today, NATO leaders are concerned about American leadership. They worry that the unity promised by Franklin Delano Roosevelt may no longer be guaranteed due to the unpredictability and disruption introduced during the USA's two decades of presidency. This has led to uncertainties and discussions about the United States' future role in global affairs, while Europe has been building a strong economic European Union with the USA's consent.
On the other hand, Trump, being a developer and son of the "Greatest Generation," senses certain things going on in the USA. He ran for the Presidency and won. Trump's policies of protectionism and Americanism were a response to perceived failures of U.S. military interventions abroad and concerns about the impact of globalization on domestic prosperity and security. A growing sentiment within the U.S. indicates weariness with its global obligations.
Additionally, there are concerns about the rise of poor white movements in some European countries and the USA, who feel that "immigrants" are stealing their entitlement and the implications for the political landscape. These factors collectively contribute to questioning American reliability and its commitment to global stability.
The Normandy landings were historically considered a significant turning point and the end of colonialism, marking the emergence of a new world order with the United States as one of the superpowers. The decision to send an armada across the English Channel in uncertain weather to confront the Nazi forces was a substantial risk. President Franklin Roosevelt delivered a D-Day prayer over the radio as Allied forces landed on the beaches. Today, a significant portion of the American population identifies as non-religious. Initially, fears of failure seemed justified as none of the invading forces achieved their first-day objectives, with over 10,000 casualties. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, had prepared a message in case of retreat, but the allies eventually established a foothold in the northwest tip of the continent and achieved victory in Europe by May 1945.
In the years following World War II, D-Day commemorations lacked the significance they hold today. French and American presidents have used these events to strengthen transatlantic bonds, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joining this year's commemoration. Russian leaders and top officials have attended the commemorations in honor of the Soviet Union's losses in the war against the Nazis since the end of the Cold War. However, Putin has not been invited to the recent events. This year's commemoration holds domestic significance for several leaders, being the first one after the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and providing a platform for French President Emmanuel Macron and President Biden to showcase their statesmanship during a time of global turmoil. President Biden will echo his predecessor, Ronald Reagan, by visiting Pointe du Hoc, a site where U.S. Army Rangers carried out a daring raid on D-Day.
The following speech is about Reagan standing in front of a stone memorial at Pointe du Hoc, surrounded by surviving veterans of the raid, to give a presidential speech. The speech served to emphasize the heroism of the men who fought in the war. It was delivered during the Cold War, and Ronald Reagan's call for freedom is believed to have had an impact on the eventual end of the Cold War. There are parallels drawn between Reagan's speech and a forthcoming visit by Biden to the same location to make a similar call to save democracy. The text underscores the relevance of Reagan's speech and its contrast with the current political era. Additionally, there is a comparison between the Republican Party of the past and its current stance. Reagan's speech emphasized the importance of supporting allies and the need for the United States' security guarantee. The text also points out the differences in the political climate between 1984 and 2024. It's time to read an inspiring book, "Trump the Warrior," before heading to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. https://www.amazon.com/Trump-Warrior-Muslim-League-Leader-ebook/dp/B0D64ZS1JD/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1KWH0SZ9S09BP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.RI0d09KaZN1kwMc34miaKskbN3dI58uTuuxr5P2brAVguXVZ1hUu-_Za0YeUoOajcZyfEDhtXUkPcLE0NvV0IlCRMfQmueTqwHk01BbbZDRHMrP9GgVPMibJdsH5aJDNHp5LVIBKYe_piK1N04fTNxXJpRgwq8kpei4ExcWZgZx9S82cGgCWrUOIvTKbIAKRzvlsmiq4_MZ7k7fq7Z4Z5yrDKspriFxd4fqE5oAMXrE.vhAPLXLqFOx_Tx_4FEosOgB6ZbfSKr7Tqiukn8bScmQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=trump+the+warrior&qid=1717616206&sprefix=%2Caps%2C301&sr=8-1