gregory moore
--Positive Messages Express... A community development organization in a dark and evil time to give our children HOPE.
This SOLDIER of LOVE of John 3:16, is Come to YOU in the NAME of the LORD, to REMIND you that the ALMIGHTY GOD of the BIBLE, is FAITHFUL and TRUE and JUST to ALL, Bad or Good...So this SET-TIME of the every PLAYER being PLAYED and every JOKER being JOKED...that ALL things Works TOGETHER for GOOD, for ALL of US that LOVE the LORD ...ISAIAH 43:15 I am the LORD, your HOLY ONE, the CREATOR of ISRAEL, your KING/JESUS...And I am his SERVANT...This is STILL the Mighty GRIP...Aboard...The POSITIVE MESSAGES EXPRESS, To GIVE you some GOOD LOVE, in a BAD-TIME, the a MIRROR, a REFLECTION of REAPING WHAT YOU SOWN.. Inspite of it being GOOD or BAD....You GOT to HAVE it Your WAY...REAP What You Have SOWN...Every PLAYERS and, every JOKERS...Lest you REPENT...Surely as GOD is Not MOCKED, and GOD's GRACE is SUFFICIENT...REPENT of?TREATING the WORD of GOD/GOD's GRACE as a JOKE...So NOW! We shall REAP what we SOWN...Surely as the ALMIGHTY GOD of the BIBLE, is MERCIFUL and KIND and JUST, and ALL-POWERFUL, Whose WRATH and ANGER, No BODY or NOTHING can stand AGAINST...Surely as GOD is Not MOCKED, nor is GOD's GRACE in VAIN, for ALL of US that TRUST in Master Jesus NAME/REV.1:8 The ALMIGHTY...GOD of the BIBLE, that SENT me,PROCLAIMING, We Must REPENT and LIVE LIFE on this BATTLE-FIELD/EARTH, for ETERNAL-LIFE with CHRIST...REPENT surely as now is the SET-TIME that EVERY JOKER will be JOKED, and every PLAYER, will be Master Jesus NAME/REV.1:8 The ALMIGHTY...Surely as ISAIAH 61 The SPIRIT of the LORD/Jesus is upon Me, because the LORD has ANOINTED me to PREACH GOOD TIDINGS/NEWS unto the MEEK, (2) To PROCLAIM the acceptable year of the LORD, and the DAY of VENGEANCE of our GOD, to COMFORT all that MOURN./The REPENTED HEARTED people of this LIVING-RAINBOW of PEOPLE...your BROTHER/GREGORY MOORE...P.O. Box 244...E.ST.LOUIS, IL. 62202...And Pick-up a MONITOR, for SOMEBODY you LOVE...The GRIP! Your BROTHER that your MOTHER didnt HAVE, the ONE that PAINED, while you LAUGHED...Amen!..."In GOD I/We TRUST" Amen!