Amer. Enterprise Inst. (AEI) "Spain Goes to the Polls" - Normalization of Corruption is Dividing Spain, EU & USA for Same Reasons
Quenby Wilcox
DC 'Cave-dwelling' Dowager; Will Swamp Self-Destructs or Saves Itself from Woke Illiberals under Trump?
AEI "Spain Goes to the Polls" Panel Discussion - Normalization of Corruption is Dividing Spain, EU & USA for Same Reasons
My response to Panelists Dalibor Rohac, Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, and Stan Veuger; the Atlantic Council’s Frances Burwell; and Pablo Pardo of El Mundo, emailed on July 24, 2023 - WILL THEY READ IS THE QUESTION!
Dear Messrs. Fernandez Villaverde, Pardo, Rohac, and Veuger, and Ms. Burwell,
My correspondence is in regard to the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Discussion “Spain Goes to the Polls” on Thursday July 20, 2023. In the Q&A Mr. Fernandez Villaverde indicated that he could not understand my question about the importance of due process in assuring Good Governance and Rule of Law in a country—if for no other reason than to attract foreign investment, which all governments claim to want. Unfortunately, his response has just provided further proof as to the ‘normalization’ of Corruption and subversion of the Spanish Constitution by Madrid’s ‘upper crust’ (ie. pijos de ICADE, Lycée fran?ais de Madrid, inter alia) in collusion with the Spanish Royal family. It has also provided further proof as to the ‘normalization’ of corruption and subversion of the US Constitution and Rule of Law by think tank staffers in Washington in violation of US federal laws Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and 18 U.S. Code § 2384 (seditious conspiracy).
After 15 years, of soliciting assistance from ‘big wig’ human rights lawyers and NGOs, including Amal Clooney, Baltasar Garzon, Women’s Link Worldwide, Amnesty International, Joan Meier and Arturo Carillo of GWU, Carrie Bettinger Lopez, Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), National Organization of Women (NOW), and National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), I, and other victims of the courts have finally found a lawyer to submit our grievances to the International Criminal Courts (ICC) under Crimes Against Humanity. Amal Clooney now has children of her own, that can be taken from her by the courts, seize her assets and eject her from the country. I do not think that she will find it so amusing, when she becomes a victim of the norms and customs that she and other Woke feminists have created in the past 60 years.
In 2010 a lobbyist for the National Coalition FOR (not against) Domestic Violence (NCADV) told me that what was ‘needed’ was a New Civil Rights movement, begging the question of what happened to the Old Civil Rights movement. In the interim years, while the number of casualties and death tolls of victims of violence and abuse, in homes, families, communities, and workplaces mount, I have examined the trajectory of the human, civil, women’s, children’s and workers’ rights movements in the US (and Europe) in the past century. Unfortunately, these movements have created thousands of NGOs which exist to produce jobs for PhDs and MBAs, and ‘jailbait’ college grads, while discriminating against ‘opting in homemakers’ and white, upper-crust Americans in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. AEI, along with all the other NGOs in Washington are facing lawsuits for systematically discriminating against white, Americans who are more experienced and qualified than foreigners and young college grads in future litigation. The Jan. 6th Insurrection occurred, because Washingtonians are taking taxpayers for a RIDE. DC was created in order to SERVE the American People, and NOT so a bunch of PhDs and MBAs could ‘chew the fat’ as has been the case for generations.
My 7-year tenure in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides two case studies of bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, and mismanagement within the public sector. And, my 6-years in restaurants, which exist to feed all of these ‘experts’ and their parasitic ‘Real Housewives’, provide case studies of how the ‘hospitality’ industry is degrading the Rights of workers. However, since I am a white, ‘privileged’, American ‘old lady’ in Woke controlled labor markets, I have no recourse under the Law and NO VOICE in the press. While in Spain, employers openly include “over 30 need not apply’ in job postings, in the US employers hide behind discriminatory hiring and promotional practices against ‘old ladies’, and anyone else they do not ‘like’, under DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) propaganda of a Woke controlled HR industry. The norms and practices in labor markets are in clear violation of labor laws. However, since labor law lawyers are ONLY interested in cases which violate Affirmative Action mandates, white, Hard Working Americans have no recourse under the Law when they are targeted in discrimination and hate crimes by ‘minorities’. The same issues and problems are going on in Europe, but until economies and societies on both sides of the Pond collapse, the press and ruling elite will continue to normalize the situation.?
In the Nuremberg Trials, defendants claimed that they were innocent because ‘they did not know’ and ‘no laws existed which rendered their actions illegal at the time’. However, when the Nuremberg Trials II begin, NO ONE will be able to use these defenses. First, as you can see on my activism websites,, and Taking Back America for the People, I have thoroughly notified implicated parties on both sides of the Pond as to their Obligations to ACT under the Law, and the consequences if they FAIL or REFUSE to ACT. Second, in the past 70 years national and international laws have been passed which clearly make their actions and ‘norms’ ILLEGAL for which perpetrators and their accessories are facing life imprisonment.
While the children of most of the people of my generation have become adults, and ‘aged out’ of systems, they now have grandchildren which can be taken from their parents and families on the whims of the courts, with no recourse under the Law. What goes around comes around, and those who fail to defend the Rights of their compatriots lose the Right to have their Rights respected and upheld when the Winds of War change. While the old-guard and new guard ‘ruling-elite’ believe they are ‘untouchable’. That is only because they believe the ‘protection rackets’ which maintain the ‘too big to fail’ injection of monies into banking systems and financial markets and 70-90% failure rates of businesses will ‘HOLD’. However, they are sadly mistaken, and are all facing seizure of their assets and incarceration or deportation when they are held to Account in the courts. Feminist Queen, and journalist, Leatiza is in as much ‘hot water’ as her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law, when King Felipe is forced to abdicate.???
The cases against Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell demonstrate how draconianly vicious courts can be when malicious and politically or financially motivated litigation is brought against THEM. The cases against these two (and Jeffrey Epstein) were clear attempts to redefine the legal and societal definition of pedophilia to include post-pubescent teenagers. It was also an attack (from the flank) on the reputation and prestige of the British Royal family in preparation for the death of their ally, Queen Elizabeth. ALL men, particularly those who have significantly younger wives or girlfriends, or boyfriends, should be VERY concerned about the jurisprudence set in this case. Because the next step of the feminists will be to expand the definition of pedophilia to include anyone in romantic relationships with people 15-20 year their junior. This idea has already been getting traction in societal conversations amongst the ‘masses’, and it is only a matter of time that the #MeToo movement ‘pussy hat’ feminists will start attacking men in the courts with these cases. And, just like Prince Andrew they will be ‘cancelled’ by their ‘family and friends’ and forced to succumb to the extortionist demands of their attackers.?
Gold-digging Guiffre was a willing pawn in the games of feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom and Woke Democrat David Boies in collusion with a Woke press, instead of an ‘innocent’ victim. And, the witch hunt against Maxwell and her incarceration for 20-years is a clear attack on the white ‘upper-crust’ (pijos) by the Woke minorities and feminists in the competition and aggression between women (aka ‘Mommy Wars’). Her incarceration has set a dangerous jurisprudence for the ‘experts’, socialites, princesses, and queens in the ‘Game’. As explained in White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America, the ‘racial wars’ are not about ‘race’, but about ‘class’. However, in ‘modernizing’ societies, class is considered to be accumulation of material wealth and the value society places on those who accumulate it (instead of valuing people based on their contribution to social orders, economies, and political institutions). Social and economic mobility in ‘modern’ societies is obtained through 6-figure salaries in urban labor markets, or through ‘meal ticket’ marriages or concubinage of social climbing whores and prostitutes (female and male)—and the World be DAMNED. As the academic literature of the feminist movement and their Breaking Glass Ceilings and SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Women) Manifesto agendas demonstrate, the feminist and anti-feminist movements of the past have castrated the men and completely eroded the Rights of women and children in societies. It has also eroded the democratic principles upon which the Founding Fathers fought and died in the American Revolution, and embodied in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.?