Amendments to IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment/PPE: Proceeds before Intended Use
The amendment of this standard is effective January 1, 2022 (global, IAS 16 amendment), while in Indonesia January 1, 2023 (PSAK 16 regarding "hasil sebelum penggunaan yang diintensikan"). Transitional provisions require retrospectively applying these IAS 16 amendments.
IAS 16 amendments consist of four main points:
Before amendment
Paragraph 17(e) specifically states that directly attributable costs, including testing costs are net after deducting the net proceeds from sales of the item produced while bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
Research & Practices
But from the results of research in field practice, it indicates that there are different applications in practice regarding the application of paragraph 17(e):
1. the amount of the deducted proceeds. Some entities deduct all proceeds from all sales of production units when testing, and some other entities from sales units until the assets are ready to operate,
2. proceeds deducted from the cost of an item of PPE can be significant and exceed the cost of testing. As happened in the mining and petrochemicals industry.
Case Example - Before Amendment IAS 16
Wira Corp. bought the land and the old building on it to build a new factory for $350,000. Other costs associated with the purchase of land included accrued property taxes of $35,000 and purchase a lien of $10,000.
Wira Corp. decided to build the new building and demolish the old one for an additional $55,000 demolition cost. Proceeds from the sale of salvage lumber and brick to get the land ready for use was $18,000.
Then the acquisition cost of the land until the land is ready for use before amendment IAS 16 = 350,000 + 35,000 + 10,000 + 55,000 - 18,000 = $432,000
Journal Entries:
1.Record Purchase Cost, Liens and Demolition Cost (cash transactions)
Dr. Land $415,000
Cr. Cash/Bank $415,000
2.Record Accrued Property Tax (non-cash)
Dr. Land $35,000
Cr. Accrued Property Tax $35,000
3.Record proceeds from sale of salvage lumber and brick (cash received, deduct land value)
Dr. Cash/Bank $18,000
Cr. Land $18,000
Case Example - After Amendment IAS 16
Then the acquisition cost of the land until the land is ready for use after amendment IAS 16 = 350,000 + 35,000 + 10,000 + 55,000 = $450,000
Journal Entries:
1.Record Purchase Cost, Liens and Demolition Cost (cash transactions)
Dr. Land $415,000
Cr. Cash/Bank $415,000
2.Record Accrued Property Tax (non-cash)
Dr. Land $35,000
Cr. Accrued Property Tax $35,000
3.Record proceeds from sale of salvage lumber and brick [cash received, recognizes as other operating income in profit or loss (or other line item as relevant]
Dr. Cash/Bank $18,000
Cr. Other Income $18,000
Comparison with U.S. GAAP
Proceeds from selling items before PPE intended for use are recognized in profit or loss. Whereas PPE that is developed and has the intention to be sold or rented out, the proceeds / income earned will be recognized as a deduction from the PPE value.
Amendment IAS 16 and others relevant article related IAS 16.