AMDAL, UKL-UPL dan SPPL - Definition, Objectives, and Benefits
In essence, AMDAL, UKL-UPL, and SPPL are environmental documents required for permitting a project, among other purposes. So, what are the differences between these documents?
A. Definition, Objectives, and Benefits of AMDAL
AMDAL, which stands for Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Hidup or Environmental Impact Assessment, is a study concerning the significant impacts of a planned project on the environment. It's essential for making decisions regarding the implementation of a project or activity. There are five main components of AMDAL:
The objective of AMDAL is to ensure that a project has no negative impact on the surrounding environment, or if there are negative impacts, they can be effectively managed. If the positive impacts outweigh the negative ones, the project is more likely to receive approval; conversely, if the negative impacts are greater, the project may be prohibited.
The benefits of AMDAL include:
However, if an industrial company is located within a specific area, it must prepare detailed RKL-RPL documents, while the area-specific AMDAL is created by the respective area authority. Detailed RKL-RPL refers to RKL-RPL that is detailed and specific, prepared by the Industrial company based on the area-specific RKL-RPL.
B. Definition, Objectives, and Benefits of UKL-UPL
UKL-UPL, or Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup, involves managing and monitoring activities that have no significant impact on the environment. It is necessary for the decision-making process regarding the operation of an activity or project.
UKL-UPL is prepared for activities or projects with manageable environmental impacts and small-scale control. It can be created in two conditions:
C. Definition, Objectives, and Benefits of SPPL
SPPL, or Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan, is a declaration of the responsible party's capability to manage and monitor the environmental impacts of their activities or projects outside of those requiring AMDAL or UKL-UPL.
D. Differences between AMDAL, UKL-UPL, and SPPL
AMDAL, UKL-UPL, and SPPL have significant differences, including:
This refers to the size of a business or activity, which can be assessed based on factors like the area of land, building size, production capacity, and others, according to the applicable regulations. For example, if there's a plan to construct a building on an area of 5 hectares or more, it is mandatory to prepare an AMDAL. Conversely, if the land area is less than 5 hectares, a UKL-UPL document is sufficient.
AMDAL is prepared for businesses or activities that have significant impacts on the surrounding environment. On the other hand, UKL-UPL is for those with lesser environmental impacts
AMDAL must be prepared by an author who holds a special certification for AMDAL. However, UKL-UPL and SPPL can be prepared by the initiators of the business or activity.
The assessment for AMDAL must be carried out by a specific AMDAL Assessment Commission. In contrast, UKL-UPL is required to be presented before the issuance of a recommendation letter in some regions, while in other regions, presentation is not mandatory. Meanwhile, SPPL only requires filling out a form and registering it with the relevant environmental agency.
Take Action Today to Achieve Your Sustainable Goals with Satuplatform
Satuplatform is a sustainability assessment platform for businesses and corporations. It allows for the evaluation of environmental, labor, human rights, ethical, and supply chain aspects digitally. It also provides action plans for achieving sustainable businesses.
The assessment methodology used is based on evaluations by experts from various fields, including international standards such as the Global Reporting Index (GRI), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Labour Organization (ILO), UN Global Compact (UNGC), as well as national guidelines, which include applicable laws and regulations.
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