AMCA's Fan Efficiency Grades (FEG): Enhancing Energy Efficiency in LEED Projects
Fan Class Vs Efficiency

AMCA's Fan Efficiency Grades (FEG): Enhancing Energy Efficiency in LEED Projects

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The Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) developed the Fan Efficiency Grades (FEG) system to classify fans based on their aerodynamic efficiency in converting mechanical power into airflow. The FEG system provides a standardized, numerical rating that allows for easier comparison of fan efficiency across different models and types. Higher FEG values indicate fans that operate more efficiently, providing both energy savings and enhanced performance in building ventilation systems.

Classification: Fan classes are determined by the fan's ability to operate within specific ranges of static pressure (SP) and outlet velocity (OV).

AMCA Fan Class

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? Calculation of FEG: The FEG is calculated using fan performance parameters such as total efficiency, airflow rate, static pressure, and power input. These parameters are typically obtained from fan test data under standardized conditions as per AMCA 205 and ISO 12759 standards.

? FEG Range: The FEG values range from 1 to 10, with a rating of 10 representing the highest efficiency level. Fans with FEG ratings of 8 to 10 are generally considered highly efficient, while those below 5 are less efficient and not ideal for projects where energy efficiency is critical.

Real-World Application of FEG in Ventilation Fan Selection for LEED Projects

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the globally recognized green building certification system, emphasizes energy efficiency as a crucial component of sustainable building design and operation. Selecting ventilation fans with high FEG ratings can directly impact the energy efficiency of a building, contributing to LEED credits and overall sustainability goals.

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FEG provides a clear, straightforward metric for comparing the energy efficiency of different fan models. For instance, a fan with an FEG of 9 would be approximately 15% more efficient than a similar fan with an FEG of 7, assuming all other variables remain constant. This allows engineers and designers to make informed decisions that align with energy conservation goals in LEED projects.

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o Prerequisites and Credits: Some LEED rating systems, such as LEED v4.1 for Building Design and Construction (BD+C), include prerequisites that mandate a minimum fan efficiency. For example, the LEED Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Prerequisite for Minimum Energy Performance requires fans to meet or exceed certain efficiency levels that align with ASHRAE 90.1 standards. Selecting fans with higher FEG ratings not only helps in meeting these prerequisites but can also contribute to credits related to optimizing energy performance.

o Earning Additional LEED Points: Utilizing fans with higher FEG values can also support achieving additional points under LEED credits like EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance, where each percentage improvement in energy savings over the baseline can yield additional points.

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o Lower Energy Consumption: Fans with higher FEG ratings translate to significantly lower energy consumption. For example, in a commercial building where ventilation accounts for up to 30% of total energy use, switching to a fan with an FEG rating of 9 instead of 6 could save up to 25% in annual energy costs. This not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also reduces operational expenses.

o Example: In a 10,000-square-foot office building, upgrading from an FEG 6 to an FEG 9 fan could save approximately 15,000 kWh annually, translating to savings of around $1,800, assuming an electricity rate of $0.12 per kWh.

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? Project Requirements: It is essential to refer to the specific LEED rating system and version being targeted, as fan efficiency requirements and criteria may differ. ASHRAE 90.1-2019 and ASHRAE 62.1-2022, for instance, have specific fan power limitations and energy efficiency mandates that need to be met.

? System Design Parameters: FEG is an important metric, but it should not be the sole criterion for fan selection. Other critical factors include airflow requirements (measured in cubic feet per minute or CFM), static pressure, noise levels, and overall HVAC system design. A balanced approach is necessary to ensure optimal system performance.

? Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA): Although fans with high FEG ratings might involve a higher initial investment, their long-term benefits in energy savings often outweigh the upfront costs. Conducting an LCCA helps in identifying the most cost-effective option by considering both initial capital costs and ongoing operational savings. For example, a high-efficiency fan with an initial cost premium of 20% may offer a payback period of less than 5 years due to lower energy consumption.


AMCA's Fan Efficiency Grades (FEG) provide a critical framework for selecting energy-efficient ventilation fans in LEED-certified projects. By prioritizing fans with higher FEG ratings, designers and project managers can help buildings achieve LEED certification, optimize energy usage, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and lower operational costs. This approach supports both environmental sustainability and financial viability in green building design.


