?? Amblyopia: when the vision in one or both eyes does not develop correctly
Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is a functional impairment of central vision, either unilateral or bilateral, that arises during childhood and manifests as a reduction in visual acuity. It affects about 4% of school-age children, and if not diagnosed and corrected promptly, it can persist into adulthood. ??
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Amblyopia occurs in cases of refractive error (astigmatism, myopia, hypermetropia) differing between the two eyes, where one eye cannot focus images as well as the other, in cases of strabismus, and congenital conditions such as cataract and ptosis, which hinder the normal development of the visual system.
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If detected early, amblyopia can be treated with glasses, occlusive therapy, commonly known as eye-patching, or vision therapy. Preventing amblyopia is important, take your children to the eye doctor for regular check-ups and inform other families about the importance of prevention.
For more information, contact us via the following link: https://www.farmaplusitalia.it/en/contact-us-2-en. ????
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