For Ambitious Women Tired of Hearing 'We don’t know why you're in pain' from Doctors: Here's the Truth about Unexplained Pain and How to Cure It
Rose Covenant ?? Somatic Architect
Science-backed somatic healing for conscious high achievers to create lasting happiness | Virtual 1:1 Mentorship & International VIP Retreats | Book Your Discovery Call ??
For over 8 years, I lived with chronic severe low back pain. Can you relate?
I threw everything at it, tried every doctor and treatment, and nothing worked - until I finally discovered the real root of my physical pain and recovered in a matter of months. More on that later.
Ever had a doctor tell you, “You’re fine,” even though you are in intense pain?
You’re not alone.
?? If you’re new here, welcome! I’m Rose, the Pain Recovery Specialist for ambitious women ready to somatically heal the root of their physical pain - follow me for more pain recovery insights ??
I get it - how pain stops you in your tracks. One moment, you’re climbing the career ladder, and the next, you’re still climbing, but spending most nights on a heating pad. You struggle to put on a brave face, but all you can think about is the pain. How bad it is, how bad it could get, and what you can do to make it go away.
If you’re tired of not being able to show up fully for your life because you never know when the pain is going to flare, you are in the right place. We’re going to unpack exactly what is causing your physical pain and why it’s so common among ambitious women like us.
First things first, when you are experiencing pain, you should always rule out any specific medical cause - including a fracture, tumor, clearly diagnosed nerve damage, or autoimmune disease. If you’re here, you’ve likely already been to all the doctors who have told you “everything is fine.” Maybe you have a few bulging discs or questionable alignment, but other than a few incidental findings, nothing medical explains the severity of your pain.
Second, all pain is created in the brain. All pain is REAL. There is no difference in the experience of pain caused by a physical accident - like a broken bone - and pain that is caused by unprocessed emotional wounds. The good news is that once you've ruled out a specific medical cause, you can rest assured that your pain is actually curable.
So what’s causing the physical pain? Unprocessed emotional roots. We’ll call this trauma.
What is Trauma, and How Does It Cause Physical Pain?
Trauma is any experience where you were unable to mentally, emotionally, and energetically process the experience at the time. So your system - your mind, body, and energy - triggered a survival response at that moment. An emotion is energy in motion, so when that survival energy gets trapped in the body, it creates a protective mechanism - like armor. This is intended to prevent you from getting hurt like that again. So when someone feels “triggered,” it’s because something in the current moment has touched one of these old protective mechanisms.
That emotional armor accumulates as it is triggered again and again in your life, and with enough stress, it can turn on the physical pain signals in your brain - the ultimate danger signal. Often you can identify an emotional or physical event that triggered your pain. For ambitious women, for leaders, this most often shows up as migraines, back pain, or unexplained GI issues. That said, there is a list of around 30 symptoms that can show up in your body.
As a high-achiever, you are still forcing yourself to perform. The thing is, you know that pain is getting in the way of you showing up fully in your life. You aren’t living or leading the way that you were meant to because you never know when the pain is going to stop you in your tracks.
Whether the pain is intermittent or chronic - no matter how well you can cope, no matter how many heating pads, injections, chiropractic adjustments, or supplements you take - nothing is working to cure this pain that is holding you back from living - and enjoying - life like you were meant to.
All of that is about to change.
When you heal the emotional roots that are causing the physical pain signals to be stuck in the "on" position, the brain recalibrates from a default setting of survival and danger to safety. When that happens, it turns the pain signals off. Your entire system recalibrates from hypervigilance to safety. No more pretending that you're fine when all you can think about is the pain—this is an embodied life, free from physical pain.
Leading a team meeting without that nagging fear that a migraine will strike, or traveling for work without packing a heating pad just in case. Picture yourself fully present, energized, and confident, no longer spending all of your mental and emotional bandwidth on pain management.
I've helped dozens of women over the last 4 years cure their pain and step into a life of freedom. You can be next. Like one of my clients - Lynn. "The biggest shift for me is knowing how tied my physical health is to my emotional and mental health. I know, if I feel physical sensations, that I simply need to work through emotions. My body is holding less and less over time as I continue to process through deep emotions. So freeing and such a relief!"
Can you remember the last time you felt completely at ease in your body? What would it mean for your life and career to move through each day without the fear of pain?
If you’re ready to start healing, I have a special invitation for you. I just released the Pain-Free Playbook (completely FREE to you).
The ?? Pain-Free Playbook will help you:
1?? Confirm that your pain is neuroplastic (and curable)
2?? Uncover the emotional roots that are keeping you in pain
3?? Explore the blueprint for healing your pain
Want to get started? Comment ‘ME’ below if you want a copy!
With Love,
Pain Recovery Specialist