Ambition has no time, age, or boundaries. It's only the limitation you set upon yourself.

Ambition has no time, age, or boundaries. It's only the limitation you set upon yourself.


Ambition is a word often used to describe someone with a strong desire for success and achievement. It can also be defined as "the desire or willingness to work hard to achieve something."

Ambition is important because it helps us achieve our goals, which in turn contributes significantly to our overall well-being and happiness.

When you're ambitious, you're more likely to set goals for yourself (and then work towards achieving them). This will help you grow as an individual while also making sure that your career moves forward at a good pace.

The Power of Ambition

Ambition has no time, age, or boundaries: It's only the limitation you set upon yourself.

Ambition is a powerful force that can drive people to achieve great things in their lives. It can be used for good or evil, but it's always there--whether we like it or not! When you have ambition for something, there will always be obstacles in your way; however, if you're willing to work hard enough at overcoming these challenges then nothing will stop you from achieving what it is that matters most to you.

The power of ambition comes from within each person because they know exactly what they want out of life and aren't afraid of working towards those goals no matter how difficult they may seem at first glance

The Limitations of Ambition

Ambition is a powerful force but can be dangerous if not used correctly. When you have ambition, you have the drive to succeed and achieve your goals. You know what you want and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

But sometimes ambition can lead us down paths we never intended on going down--and that's when things start getting tricky. If your ambition is misused or used incorrectly, it could lead to burnout or failure instead of success!

The Role of HR and Career Coaches

HR and career coaches can help you manage your ambition by setting achievable goals, recognizing when ambition is becoming a detriment, and helping to identify ways to achieve your dreams.

For any organization or individual to succeed, they need to have a clear vision of what they want their future to look like. This includes knowing what type of work environment they want to be in, what kind of people they want on their team, and how much money will be required for them to live comfortably in that environment.

When setting goals for yourself at work or in life overall (including personal finances), it's important not only that the goal itself is attainable but also that there are steps along the way so you know when it's time for another step up instead of just sitting still where things are comfortable but stagnant. If something isn't working out as planned, take some time off before trying again with new plans until something sticks!

The Impact of Age

As you grow older, your ability to achieve ambitious goals may be limited by your age. This can be a tricky thing to understand because it's so easy to think that ambition is something that only comes with youth and inexperience. The truth is that ambition has no time, age, or boundaries; it's only the limitation you set upon yourself.

To help you identify if age is impacting your ability to achieve ambitious goals, ask yourself these questions:

Am I pursuing my biggest dreams? Or am I settling for less than what I want?

Do I feel like there are things in life that should have happened by now but haven't yet? Or do I feel like everything is fine as it stands today, even though deep down inside me there might be something else out there for which my heart yearns (but hasn't yet realized)?

If either question above resonates with how YOU feel right now...then YES! Age IS affecting how much progress we're making toward our ultimate desires & aspirations!

The Impact of Time

Time is a powerful force. It can limit ambition, or it can be used as an ally. The key to finding success in your career is learning how to use time for what it's worth, instead of letting it control you.

When we think about ambition, we often associate it with youth, during which we have the energy and drive necessary for pushing ourselves forward and achieving our goals. But this isn't always true: ambition doesn't have an age limit; instead, some people find themselves becoming more ambitious as they get older because they realize how much time they have left before retirement or death takes its toll on their lives (or both).

If you feel that your aspirations are being hampered by your age or other considerations such as family duties or financial restraints, try altering them to fit within whatever timeline makes sense for where you are in life now.

The Impact of Boundaries

As we grow older and take on more responsibilities, getting caught up in our day-to-day lives is easy. We may think that we don't have time for anything besides work or family obligations. But ambition is something that should never be limited by age or boundaries--it's only the limitations you set upon yourself.

If you feel like your ambitions are being held back by your current state of affairs, consider these tips:

Identify what's holding you back from achieving your goals--are there any external factors (such as money or location) that could prevent them from becoming reality? If so, how can those obstacles be overcome?

If there aren't any external factors affecting your ambition but rather internal ones (for example fear), think about ways to overcome those fears so they don't stop you from reaching for greatness!

The Role of Self-Limitations

As you may have guessed, self-limitation is a major factor in the limitation of ambition. It's easy to see how this happens; if you set your sights too low and don't push yourself, then there will be no way for you to achieve more than what you've already set out for yourself.

However, it's not just about setting ambitious goals and expecting them to come true--it's also about recognizing when self-imposed limitations are holding back your potential. If someone tells me they want something but don't believe they can get it because "it's not realistic," I'll tell them why their goal isn't realistic: they're limiting themselves! "We all do this at some point or another (and sometimes even on purpose), but it doesn't mean we should give up hope altogether; instead of letting these thoughts stop us from trying again later down the line when our circumstances change or improve over time, try adjusting your expectations based on what might realistically happen under those circumstances instead."

The Benefits of Ambition

Ambition is a powerful tool, and it can be used to benefit you, your organization, and society at large.

Here are some of the ways ambition can benefit you:

Ambition will help you achieve your goals. If you have a goal in mind that requires hard work and determination to achieve, then ambition will help keep you focused on reaching that goal. If someone else has already achieved what it is that you are trying to do - whether it's writing a book or starting up their own business - then having ambition means that instead of being discouraged by this fact, they will use it as motivation for themselves instead!


Ambition is an integral part of being human, and it's something that should be nurtured and encouraged. However, it can also lead to poor decision-making if you're not careful. HR professionals and career coaches need to help individuals manage their ambitions so that they don't get in their way.

As a manager, you must recognize the limitations of ambition and help your team members overcome them when necessary.

Marwan Daya

Executive | Executive Coaching | PMP | CPM | CFA -I | MBTI | Agile PM (Twitter @marwandaya)

1 å¹´

Great job dear Chirine!

Hana El Hayek

Finance Consultant | 20+ Year in Corporate Banking | Expert in Financial Risk Management & Portfolio Optimization | Driving Growth Through Tailored Financial Solutions Open To Opportunities With Consulting Firms

1 å¹´

Great post Chirine. When your ambition is greater than your fear ?? your life will get bigger than your dream. Just one advice, keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions.Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.

Rihab Atwi

Educational Counselor

1 å¹´

Thank you chirine for your generosity.


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