Amber Precast Ltd. Supporting the UK nuclear waste decommissioning strategy. Manufacturing and Supplying critical concrete containers to Magnox.
Sheffield-based company, Amber Precast (APL), were awarded a significant and ground-breaking contract in May 2017 by Magnox, which is an arm of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Group, to support the UK’s nuclear decommissioning programme.?
Following a commercial competition and selection process, APL was awarded the contract to redesign and manufacture the Magnox 6m3 Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB), which will be used to store intermediate level radioactive wastes, currently being retrieved at decommissioning nuclear power stations across the UK.
The APL journey began with a detailed study how such a container must be manufactured and who could support the manufacture of this critical component from the wider supply chain. Several companies were considered. These were then narrowed down to a handful who could offer the quality and consistency required for such a demanding project. Construx of Belgium were chosen for the manufacture of the moulds and turning equipment, Abbey Group Ltd of Liverpool for the supply of casings and twistlocks, Lemon Ground Works for the cut and bent rebar, Tarmac for the standard aggregates and cement, Grace for the add mixtures and LKAB for the heavy aggregates. All of which have provided APL not just quality products but support along the way.
Of the 1010 concrete boxes contracted by Magnox, APL have now manufactured over half of the total supply.
The 100th RCB was completed in August 2020 and was a major manufacturing milestone for APL and a fantastic achievement for everyone in the project team both at APL, Magnox and the wider supply chain. Box 100, along with all others, has undergone a stringent manufacturing and quality assurance process, culminating in a first-class package ready for use in this demanding environment.
This celebrated 100th RCB (at striking below) has been chosen to continue its ground-breaking journey and has been selected by Magnox to become its first RCB to be filled with intermediate level waste and has been transported to its interim home at a secure, purpose-built storage facility at Berkeley.
Amber Precast is proud to be part of the Magnox supply chain delivering one of the most successful new UK radioactive waste container projects in the last 20 years.
Supply Chain Partner Testimonials.
“Construx is honoured and proud to be part of this first nuclear waste storage project of this kind.
Together with the experience and knowledge of Amber Precast, we were able to develop performant solutions to the required quality standards.
Construx supplied the mould techniques as well the logistic handling solutions for optimal operational performance”.
ing. Bart Vanassche
The concrete mix design developed in conjunction with LKAB Minerals, Magnox and Amber Precast pushes the boundaries of what’s achievable with the materials approved for use in the nuclear decommissioning sector.
“I am hugely impressed with Amber’s tenacity to reach a successful outcome with such a challenging project,” says Mark Moriarty, LKAB Minerals Sales Manager, Magnetite Products. “The sheer size, quantity and quality of castings being produced is a testament to the company’s expertise in manufacturing large complex components. This is coupled with extensive knowledge of the decommissioning industry both in the UK and overseas.”
Mark Moriarty
Simon Derrick, Senior Project Manager, said: “It’s important for Magnox to create opportunities for the UK supply chain. Not only to support economic growth but also to collaborate with experts and innovators to ensure we can effectively, safely, and efficiently deliver our mission to decommission the UK’s nuclear fleet. With the support of our supply chain, we can successfully and safely manage our wastes.”
2 年Construx LKAB The Abbey Group GCP UK Tarmac SKEW JIG Systems (SKEW Accessories BV) Kiwa UK Collett & Sons Ltd