AMB Wellness is Fairtrade and ESR

AMB Wellness is Fairtrade and ESR

AMB Wellness considers itself to be an important Aloe Raw Material leader, from the selection of its aloe plantation until to production of its excellent quality of Aloe Juice, concentrates and powders. AMB is proactive to meet and exceed the expectations of the multiple market segments that attend worldwide: Food & Beverage, Nutraceuticals, Dairy, Pet Care, Cosmetics, Non-woven, Wet Wipes, Toilet and Facial Tissues, Oral Care, OTC and Animal Care. Whether AMB Wellness’s customers, they can all rest assured that AMB Wellness always has continue to work with partners that employ Fairtrade Practices.

Our Aloe Vera fields partners has taken great pride in building meaningful relationships with all of its employees, and has always been most appreciative of the important role its employees play in our Aloe Vera Business. AMB Wellness and our Aloe Vera plantation partners are committed to continuing to provide the highest quality standards for anyone who works on the Aloe Vera used in our INNOVALOE raw materials.

Local community

Cultivating Aloe Vera is an intensive labor process as it must be harvested by hand. When cultivation was established at Tamaulipas and Rio Verde, SLP, Mexico has had a positive spin off for the people of those areas as job creation is desperately needed. With more than 17,000 hectares harvested at this moment and growing, AMB Wellness purchases to small and medium farmers, which have achieved economic stability not only for those investors but to the workers themselves to have a steady source of employment for themselves and their families. We employ local farmers and provide excellent working conditions.

Aloe Vera offers the development several regions in Mexico, not only for workers but for national and foreign corporations turning the region into a virtuous circle where we can find that both men and women work in this crop. Which it provides opportunities for people to participate in the process and its benefits, improving their economic situation and quality of life. It’s not allowed to hire kids on the Aloe Fields.

Aloe prefers solid sun, being a semitropical succulent plant, Aloe Vera Palnt grows best in the sort of warm and humid climate that Mexico provides. Like nearly all aloe plants, they are not capable of withstanding frost and related temperatures. Aloe Vera is also known as Aloe Barbadensis miller, is the commonly accepted name and that is the description that you will find in most media articles about Aloe Vera. This variety is the most potent of all aloe species, rich in minerals, vitamins, aminoacids, enzymes, mono- and polysaccharides and many other constituents, Aloe Vera is grown worldwide in temperate climates, and can be found in commercial operations in the US, Mexico, Central America, South America, China, India, Thailand, Africa, the Caribbean, Australia and the Asian tropics. Mexico is the main aloe Vera producer worldwide (17,000 Has).

 Not a cactus but a perennial succulent

Although some people consider that Aloe Vera resembles cactus, it is in fact a perennial succulent. It is a member of aloaceae and is related to the liliaceace family. These species tends to be larger with shorter stems, and can be identified further by its thick, fleshy leaves shaped somewhat like tentacles, being heavy or thicker at the base and tapering to a point, and its bright green color. Younger plants tend to have off-white “spots” on them and only the larger plants tends to produce yellow flowers. Aloe Vera will grow, slowly, with the leaves forming a circular pattern of usually the same height .

The Aloe Vera plant is characterized by long, hard, sword-shaped, fleshy, green leaves, with sharp points and an array of barbed spikes on each leaf edge. Each plant can have between twenty and thirty leaves and these leaves grow in a rossete pattern straight out of the ground. When the plant blooms, its bright yellow flowers appear on a central leafless stem high above the gel bearing leaves.

The leaves taper to a point and possess soft, marginal spines. If the stem is cut across, the leaves can be seen growing in a rosette pattern. The leaf comprises for main constituents: the rind, the sap, the mucilage and the inner gel. The rind of the Aloe Vera leaf is dark green and waxy. Below it are vascular bundles or tubules containing the sap or “aloin”. Inside this is a mucilage layer, rich in polysaccharide sugars, which surrounds the inner gel or parenchyma (the water-storage organ of the plant).

The genus “aloe” belongs to a larger class of plants known as “ xeroids” , so called because of their ability to open and close their stomata ( minute opennings in the epidermis of the leaf) to ensure that water is retained when necessary within the plant. This ability to conserve precious water allows member of the xeroid group to survive long periods of dry weather and even drought conditions when other plants would undoubtedly wither die. Aloe Vera also has the apparently “miraculous” ability (due to its special chemical and physical make-up) to close up any wound or damages to its outer skin almost instantly, thus preventing the loss of precious water and nutrients from the plant. It is incredible power to heal itself that may have given ancient civilizations the clue to the potential healing and curative powers of this remarkable plant.

Natural Protection

Aloe Vera is a very successful plant, well protected against its enemies – rodents, insects and birds. Just below the ring of the plant is a very bitter, noxious sap that deters any animal that tries to eat it. Aloe plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually, depending upon the conditions, and they can survive for several months without water. Aloe has the ability to shut itself down and close its stomata – little holes in the leaves – through which it normally loses water vapor. When cultivate for commercial use, the plant takes three to four years to mature (this is vital factor). At this stage, the gel contained within the tough green outer leaf is at this optimum potency in terms of nutritional content and potential therapeutic value and for marketing promotion, aloe growers needs to wait and invest , its plantation take minimum 3 years to harvest first leaves.

The dimensions of a mature plant

The aloe Vera plant takes good time to reach maturity. When full matured, its’ leaves – which grow from a short stem – are about 60cm (24 inches) in length and about 8-10 cm (3-4 inches) wide at the base. Aloe Vera is perennial living for about 12 years, but the leaves can be harvested from about two years of age. When fully grown the outer leaves can reach a height of around sixty to ninety centimeters, are generally about and a half to ten centimeters , are generally about seven to ten centimeters in width at their widest point, and weigh approximately one and half to two kilograms each.

 The semi-tropical plant, Aloe Vera, has a long and illustrious history dating from biblical times. It has been mentioned throughout recorded history and given a high ranking as an all-purpose herbal plant. Each plant usually has 12-16 leaves that, when mature, may weigh up to three pounds. The plants can be harvested every 6 to 8 weeks by removing 3 to 4 leaves per plant.

 Growing Aloe Vera

 Growing, cultivation and all aspects of crop husbandry are highly labor intensive, as most jobs require manual labor rather than machines. All the wedding and harvesting is done by hand to prevent any damage to the mature Aloe Vera leaves. At harvesting, all the outer, mature leaves are cut by hand ( not machine), in order to avoid damaging either harvested leaves or the younger, less developed leaves in the middle of the plant. As the pattern, resembling a clump of celery, harvesting is an ongoing process that requires considerable care and attention to ensure the remaining leaves are not damaged in any way. Aloe Vera must be harvested and handled carefully to ensure the leaves are not damaged prior to the gel being extracted at stabilization plant. The states with the largest share of production are Tamaulipas (80%), San Luis Potosi (12%), mMrelos (3.3%), Yucatan (3%) and Puebla (1.7 percent).

Sustainability over the long term

 The Aloe Vera meets the objectives of sustainability, since they involve the conservation and improvement of natural resources, producers receives a better income and to achieve better living conditions. Aloe Vera is cultivated commercially in a sustainable manner. Aloe Vera is typically grown without the use of pesticides as the botanical has so few natural predators. Aloe Vera exportations are a crucial source of growth and employment in Mexico, and make an important contribution to poverty reduction and rural development. Indeed, Aloe area makes a comparative advantage for Mexico, which is keen to see an expansion in the market for their Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera cultivation bring great benefit to producers, encouraging better working conditions, improved productivity and reduced environmental costs, and is all round year supply . They can sometimes yield a higher price for other kind of traditional cultivations as white corn and wheat generating a price premium by giving producers access to a higher value market niche and all year, instead of periods without income or low commodity prices.

Timing is all!

 To process Aloe Vera leaves is a run with nature, due natural enzyme process begin, cause irreversible degradation of the polysaccharides and loss of other bioactive constituents which results in changes to the physiological   properties of the ingredient and benefits of the finished product. The loss of activity may, in some cases, be the result of enzymatic activity after the leaf is removed from the plant. To ensure the highest quality Aloe Vera ingredient AMB process based on time to improve quality and eliminate sources of degradation in processing.

 Quality – the essential component –

 Aloe Vera must be “biologically alive” and must be in a bio-available form if our customers around the world are to experience the full scope and range of benefits from this wonder plant. Aloe is an ingredient that needs careful processing in order to preserve its active ingredients-the polysaccharides in the juice- and to process out chemicals known as anthraquinones glycosides that are present in the raw form of the leaf.

 Cultivation Area

 Aloe’s Tamaulipas plantations have the right mix of temperature, humidity, altitude and there is rich volcanic soil, Also Rio Verde plantations. No pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides and others are permitted.

 Our raw material

In AMB Wellness we take great care in making sure we continuously provide you with the very best Aloe from Mexico. Inner leaf : is manufactured by first stripping off the outer rind of the plant, either by hand (often called hand fillet) or machine , washing off or otherwise removing the aloe latex, and the conducting further processing (which include filtration of insoluble fiber) of the inner gel which is sometimes called the ‘gel’ or ‘gel fillet’. Inner leaf juice is pulp free.

 The IASC, and countries in the European Union, China, and Korea, have established standards to define what is (and what is not) "Aloe Vera" in finished products. The IASC standard states that only products containing acemannan, or the beta 1-4 acetylated glucomannans, can be accurately labeled as Aloe Vera. Acemannan is a naturally occurring polysaccharide that is present in Aloe Vera and is used as an identifier of the botanical by analytical means. Products that do not contain acemannan are not considered to be true Aloe Vera based on this standard.

About us

AMB Wellness is one of the leaders in Aloe Vera raw material supply based in Mexico. We control the quality of raw material each step in the supply chain, including supervision of growing Aloe Vera, harvesting leaves, timely processing and packaging facilities. Aloe companies are expanding its production in Mexico to meet rising demand. Worldwide demand for aloe means acreage for this important botanical continues to expand in Mexico, AMB is one of the main players in Mexico, with one of the major production capabilities in Latin America. The demand has been driven largely by products sold through several markets around the world. AMB export aloe juices, liquid and powder concentrates to 34 countries.

 AMB offers standardization, our raw materials, juices, concentrates and powder are into our Innovaloe? Brand, and provides you with assurance that our Aloe ingredient retains the beneficial properties of the plant. You can trust in Innovaloe Brand. Aloe Vera is one of the top three selling botanicals worldwide, be part of this trend. Explore with us the potential of this successful ingredient in your formulas, scratch the surface of your success launching Aloe Vera products, and focus in its potential as a health and wellness ingredient.

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