Is Amazon’s luck running out?
Where will Amazon be in a year? Jeff Bezos is stepping down, there’s been talk about anti-trust lawsuits, and some pundits say that
Amazon’s luck may run out when the pandemic ends.
I don’t know about all that. I think Amazon is going to do just fine.
When you look at the numbers, in its most recent quarter (ending December 31, 2020) the company eclipsed $100 billion in sales and had $125.6 billion in revenue. That’s up 44% year over year - despite a historic hiring spree and heavy investments into infrastructure.
Others are worried about Jeff Bezos stepping down. It’s a somewhat valid concern - Amazon has been powered by Bezos’ uncompromising standards and legendary work ethic. At least, that’s the way it’s perceived.
However, it’s not the first time in the history of the world that the
CEO of a huge tech company has stepped down.
Bill Gates was CEO of Microsoft for about the same amount of time that Bezos was CEO of Amazon. Microsoft has been doing just fine since he stepped down.
Or take Apple. After Steve Jobs’ untimely passing, Tim Cook took over - and it’s been business as usual for Apple. In fact, its market capitalization was $360 billion when Cook took over, and today it's $2.2 trillion.
Maybe Amazon gets split up, maybe it doesn’t. I don’t think that’s going to happen really soon - but even if it does, there will still be lucrative opportunities aplenty. Even if they split Amazon up, and let’s say AWS is going to be a separate arm, it won’t really affect online shopping.
As for “Amazon’s luck running out”... well, in my opinion, the worst-case scenario could be that Amazon’s growth goes back to pre-pandemic levels. Still pretty impressive.
What does all of this have to do with you?
Remember the over $100 billion in sales that Amazon did just in the last quarter?
Here’s the thing. Most of Amazon’s sales come not from their own products, but from “third-party sellers”.
What’s a third party seller?
You, me, anyone who wants to.
Most of them are one or two-person shows.
The problem, of course, is that the pandemic has completely upset almost every business model you can think of on Amazon.
People saw their profits dwindle and then evaporate as the pandemic raged on. Unless they were following a certain approach.
If you followed this approach, your profits surged.
And it’s still early to get in on this. Click the link below to join the Zoom call.
On this free Zoom call, you’ll discover how a few hundred people from all walks of life have leveraged the biggest online marketplace… and the opportunity they almost fell backward into.
You’re going to get a formula that will allow you to profit from Amazon like clockwork.
And your age, experience level, or location doesn’t matter - plus, you won’t have to jump through the usual hurdles to do this.
Written in support of my colleague Melanie Shaw from Wild Marketing, who is offering this opportunity to people who aspire to improve their lives by building a real business online.