Amazon's ascent into  13-digit territory

Amazon's ascent into 13-digit territory

Apple is not the world's only trillion dollar company anymore. Weeks after Apple reached the milestone, Amazon was playing around $1 trillion market cap and achieved the biggest milestone in its history. This new achievement marks the latest chapter in an astonishing story of growth for the company founded by Seattle's Jeff.

Being the second most valuable company is obvious for Amazon due to many reasons. Started as a book selling company, now Amazon has its hands over Music and Video Streaming, Retail and E-Commerce market and the front-runner, Amazon Web Services. Amazon is making much of its profit by hosting major players of the market like Netflix and Unilever on its datacenters. It is indeed one of the reasons behind this trillion dollar tag. From $18 a share in 1997 to $2050 in 2018, the journey of 24 years old Amazon has been remarkable so far.

