Amazon Web Services (AWS): Great for small business
Paul McDevitt
Helping Serefin educate clients and customers about our health, travel and contact centre services
In a recent post, I talked about how Amazon Web Services or AWS can fit businesses of all sizes. Small or large. So one way, in fact, the best way, to get that point across would be through a customer testimonial in the form of a case study.
Isolocity is a great example of the way the business world has changed over the last 10 years. Isolocity is an expert in quality and ISO compliance.
ISO compliance can be a little arcane for most of us but it is the way to monitor, measure and prove the quality of our work - a product or process, especially processes. Some organizations demand that their suppliers are ISO approved.
Isolocity started as a consulting business that developed a quality management system. Looking to find better ways to do things, Isolicity wanted to reduce the amount of thinking and paperwork involved in quality compliance. They wanted to create something seamless for their customers.
To make that happened, they turned their knowledge into a software application.
The Challenge
As with all new business ideas the time to market is crucial. The more time spent developing the product, the longer to recover the sunk costs and bring customers on board.
Isolocity also wanted to scale fast as well. Once launched, they didn't want to be impeded by managing their own computing infrastructure that could become a cost burden and drag on time to market.
How Unity Helped
Just as Isolicity helps their customers navigate through the complex world of ISO compliance, Unity can help organizations navigate the vast array of options and choices provided by AWS.
Unity provided a 'lite' audit that examines AWS deployments and flags issues in the general setup, identity and access management and AWS configuration areas into categories from Pass to Critical. The output allowed Isolicity to address any immediate areas of concern and ensure best practices. As one would expect from a business specializing in quality.
In addition, Unity provided Isolicity access to a dashboard that provides ongoing monitoring, alerts and the ability for Isolicity to continually cost optimize their AWS usage.
With access to these tools and Unity's AWS tech bench, Isolocity is well placed to focus on the development and marketing of their core business.
Isolocity: Learn more about Isolocity
Access the Isolocity AWS Case Study here