Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers
- Identity and Access Management (IAM): Create User, Groups, Roles and Policies
- Cognito:
- Amazon Conginto offers user pools and identity pools. User pools are user directories that provide sign-up and sign-in options for your app users. Identity pools provide AWS credentials to grant your users access to other AWS services.
- Users pools
- Settings and options for creating and logging in users
- You set requirements: username, password, MFA, etc.
- Identity pools
- Allows users (logged in or not depending on the pool) to access AWS ervices such as Amazon S3.
- Can facilitate users with accounts on other systems to have access
Q1: When creating an identity pool, which section of the wizard allows users to access AWS without providing login information?
Answer: unauthenticated identities
Q2: Which built-in S3 policy only allows the Get and List actions?
Answer: AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
Q3: You want to give everyone on our team access to an S3 bucket that you have created. What is the best way to do this?
Answer: Create a group with access to the bucket, then add each team member to the group
Q4: What is the first step when creating a user poo?
Answer: Giving the pool a name
Q5: To implement MFA, when Cognito pool type should be used?
Answer: User
- SDK and tools: links: ,
- Simple Storage Service (S3) for Storage
- DynamoDB for flexible NoSQL DB service
- Lambda
Q1: AWS provides an SDK for which programming language?
Answer: JavaScript
Q2: Which AWS database option stores data in a non-reletional database?
Answer: DynamoDB
Q3: What is an S3 bucket?
Answer: An online storage container
Q4: What is AWS Lambda?
Answer: A serivce that adds online functionality
Messaging and Event-Driven
- Simple Queue Service (SQS):
- Send, store and receive messages between apps and software components
- Decouple and scale better
- User server-side encryption (SSE) and Key Management Service (KMS) for security
- Two types of queues:
- Standard: maximum throughput, best-effort ordering, at-least-once delivery.
- FIFO: processed exactly once, in order
- Example: Lambda functions can process messages
- Configure trigger for Lambda function on queue and send message (via message body and message attributes)
2. SImple Notification Serivce (SNS)
3. Events and Lambda: for example:
- Creating SQS
- Subscribe it to Amazon SNS topic
- Conifgure the SQL to trigger a Lambda function
- Enable DynamoDB stream
- Create a trigger for DynamoDB with the Lambda function we created
- Go the Lambda Permissions , press the Role name
- Add the Permission AWSLambdaDynamoDBExecutionRole
- Explore DynamoDB table → Create an Item for triggering
- Go to CloudWatch and watch Lambda Logs.
4. AWS Step Functions:
- Based on concepts of tasks and state machines
- Tasks:
- Code (Lambda) or activity (waits for operator to perform something)
- See AWS Step Function documentations on tasks
- State Machines:
- States, their relationships and input/output
- Amazon States Language
- States make decisions based on input, perform actions, and pass output to other states
- See AWS Step Functions documentation on states:
- Step Function Examples:
- Syncing or backing up S3 buckets
- Email verification, confirmation, or authorization of process
- Scaling image automation
Q1: What is Simple Queue Sevice (SQS) used for?
Answer: Sending and receiving messages between apps
Q2: How is SImple Notification Service (SNS) different from SQS?
Answer: SNS pushes messages out to subscribers, while SQS stores the messages untill someone reads them.
Q3: Step functions are built on tasks and ____
Answer: State machines
Q4: Which item can used to trigger a Lambda?
Answer: DynamoDB
Deployment, Scalability, and Monitoring:
A. Elastic Beanstalk:
- Deploy and scale web apps and serivces
- Supports Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go and Docker
- On servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger and IIS
- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): VM instance running Amazon Linux or Microsoft Windows Server configured for web apps.
- Security group: EC2 security configuration for port 80 HTTP ingress only (needs VPC and doesn’t create it)
- Auto Scaling group: configured to replace an instance if terminated or unavailable.
- S3 bucket: for src, logs, and other artifacts created for Elastic Beanstalk needs
- CloudWatch alarms: two to monitor load and triggers when too high or low for the Auto Scaling group
- Domain name: routes to your web app:
- Select a platform -> Upload the App -> Run It
B. CloudFormation
C. ElastiCache
D. Lambda using Cache:
- Create ElastiCache memcahce
- Create a lambda function (python)
- Upload the zip for the lambda from the link:
- Configure elasticache_config_endpoint in file.
- Edit Runtime settings of the Lambda
- Change the name of the Handler to app.handler
- Go to Lambda's Permissions
- Press on the Role name
- Add the permission → Attach Policies → Search for vpc → Add AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutio
- Go to Lambda Configuration
- Edit the VPC
- Select the VPC, Subnet and Security group we define in the ElastiCache
- Test
- Deploy
Q1: What are CloudFormation stacks used for?
Answer: Configuring and managing AWS resources
Q2: When using Elastic Beanstalk to create an app, where does AWS store the src and log files?
Answer: In an S3 bucket
Q3: Using CloudFrong provides which benefit?
Answer: Faster data delivery
Q4: ElastiCache manages which type of cache?
Answer: Memory
Q5: A CloudWach alaram can be created to monitor which event?
Answer: Costs exceeding the budget
Chief Technology Officer | R&D Leader | Software Architect | Innovation & Growth
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