Amazon Opens AWS Device Farm to iOS App Testing
Raul Castanon
Industry analyst focused on understanding how technology is changing how we live and how we work.
Amazon Opens AWS Device Farm to iOS App Testing :: Mobile Application and Cloud Strategies :: Yankee Group Amazon Web Services (AWS) Device Farm isn’t just for Android anymore. Amazon announced the service that lets developers test apps on Android, Fire OS and Amazon data centers will also support iOS starting Aug. 4.
VentureBeat reports the addition of iOS makes the service far more attractive to developers, who can develop apps on multiple platforms (such as iOS and Android), test those apps simultaneously and receive reports for each one, including error logs, performance data and screenshots of the devices testing the apps. Amazon also said the service will support the Appium, Calabash, UI Automation and XCTest test-automation frameworks.
It was clear from its launch that AWS Device Farm had its sights set beyond support for Android devices. Given its capabilities, this announcement does not come entirely as a surprise, but it is a significant announcement. We don’t expect this will affect the positioning with respect to companies like Perfecto Mobile and Mobile Labs, due to the level of control these companies are able to provide. It does, however, place even more distance with respect to Google’s own Cloud Test Lab. With support for both Android and iOS, AWS Device Farm now covers the vast majority of mobile OS users. We expect many more developers to become interested in AWS Device Farm.
451 Research Senior Analyst Raúl Casta?ón