Amazon is disrupting everything ... Are you doing anything to defend against it?
Amazon delivered food to my house for the first time recently. (I had held off all this time, perhaps because of a misguided pity for the plight of disrupted competitors.)
When delivered, my digital-native youngest child PUT DOWN HER iPAD & iPHONE and gazed in wild wonder at the Amazon-branded paper bag treasure before her. Then she invented a superhero!
Lili created an autonomous sidekick later FYI, leaving her free to pick up the iPhone and iPad again I imagine. Haha!
I actually used to feel a little bad for companies/industries being disrupted by Amazon, but I do not feel bad for grocers like Kroger/Fry’s anymore (nor banks - more on that later). My neighborhood Fry’s took away paper bags to reduce cost, and reducing imaginative playtime was the unintended consequence. Someone in product management was not reviewing the customer journey map for sure.
Grocers used to be an active and valued member of the neighborhood. Since they morphed into cold faceless retailers though, there’s no real reason to shop there except nostalgia, especially since Amazon now provides a bump of imagination too. Just sayin’ . . .
Who else used to be a contributing member of the neighborhood - disruption for them too?
Looking at you, bankers. Her two working-age siblings have real bank accounts but only because direct deposit mandates they do. What is your value proposition to the next generation of depositors? You've already inconvenienced them by insisting on a "wet signature." Yes, Lili's working siblings had to go into a physical location to drop off a signed form that basically said, "I would rather not go into a physical location, thank you very much". Again, just sayin’ . . .