April 1, 2016 update. FRIENDS, BUY MY BOOK ON AMAZON. It is step one in my plan to help Bernie Sanders win the election and become President of the U.S. All is explained in my latest posts. _________________________
F REE AT LAST ! With my e-book “The New York Poor Man Sunsets” launched on AMAZON on July 3, 2015 and new e-books in the works, no longer chained to one place --I am free. I am now mentally rocking a large boat with YOU ! A large boat circling our globe on waves of its seas and clouds of its sky, opening new horizons of possibilities for OUR Plans and Dreams. OURS ! Because be sure this boat rocking IS ABOUT YOU ! And it is ABOUT US ! It is NOT just about me. You are indispensable; each of you. A large life boat needs a big crew with versatile skills; each of us excels in something else.
R ULES of AMAZON include THIS ONE which I am embracing with JOY: Periodical UPDATING of E-BOOKS BY AUTHORS. So I am committed to walk hand in hand with TIME, EVENTS, NEW FACTS & NEW MATH and update “Sunsets” for years to come. So, for only $ 12. 99 you will get a book for a lifetime.
E ARTH, with all humanity on its surface, all 7 billion and counting, is in the focus. We, you and I, will be rocking the boat mainly to supervise CHANGES which are desperately needed here. My “Sunsets” is introducing you to key actions which all of us will have to undertake. That’s why it is essential that you buy and read the e-book. We’ll discuss it later and move to ACTIONS.
E FFECTS , in other words efficiency, desirable results of a huge undertaking to save the world cannot be accomplish without groups which are not only large but dedicated and supportive gathering people who share values, convictions and goals.
A TLAS is one of my favorite ancient heroes. He alone took upon himself a huge responsibility of carrying the whole UNIVERSE on his shoulders. Couldn’t we, thousands of us save just a chunk of our Planet? Shouldn’t we ? After all each of us is a mini-universe.
T AURUS --my late Brother Jan’s zodiac sign. He was a rock. My best friend. My life has never been and will never be the same without him...Maybe that’s why I got so drawn to the enslaved Wall Street Bull (pictured on the book cover, visiting me in my neighborhood). Perhaps I played some role in his firm and ultimately successful decision to escape the imprisonment of the Wall Street One Percenters. What a great coincidence that both of us are finally free !
L OVE . Nothing of true value can be done without it. Many of my writings are about LOVE and this e-book , in parts, is no exception. But what I am curious about is HOW MUCH LOVE and FRIENDSHIP we, LINKED IN connections have for each other. It is crucial for me and my cause to establish cooperation with as many of my 2,400+ connections as possible. I need to know who of you really cares about me as a professional and as a person. How many of you recognize and care about what I am trying to do on LinkedIn? --The e-Book now on Amazon is largely a result of my LinkedIn activities. I want my life to be about meaning and therefore meaningful, supportive and understanding connections. For how many of my connections I am worth at least $ 12.99 my ebook costs and a little help with the eBook promotion ?
A LERT .-- That’s what my e-Book is. It is alerting the reader to the fact that the world and humanity and not only New York need to CHANGE the way they function . Continuing our ‘business like usual’ we are heading for bigger and more numerous disasters, for a total disaster. Issues such as poverty, climate change...cannot wait ! Why not swamp the world with e-book-alerts written by groups of LinkedIn authors?
S UCCESS. It needs to be redefined. In people’s heads. The World Masters (to introduce changes) and the majority (to DEMAND changes) must understand that the world with the 7 billion population and growing needs many more pyramids of success. Ergo: I join those who propose splitting mega corporations into smaller entities. There will never be equality, liberty and justice for ALL without it.
T OGETHER we can do a lot. Perhaps for starters help Nepal, India, various countries in Africa and South America, displaced people in some places, homeless people, children neglected in various ways.
IF my future earnings from e-books meet the numbers from my dreams...I will be giving 10% of my annual income to charitable causes. But that will not happen without your involvement.
So I am asking everyone of you: Please buy my e-book on Amazon, share any of my own “press releases” on your various social networks to help promote it. If you like it and I am sure you will, write a short review wherever you can , Amazon website next to my e-book included. Do NOT buy it now !
So, please buy my eBook. A few thousand buyers would allow me to start ordering the book three versions : besides electronic also paper and audio ones. I want you to be able to pick what you REALLY want to have.
Have great weeks ahead of you, Friends.
Writer/photographer/documentary filmmaker
8 年Nothing changed in my idea of CHANGE !
Writer/photographer/documentary filmmaker
9 年Who else has not been invited to the Amazon Boat parties? Francesca Rossato, Salvatore Vaccariello, Shiraz B. M. Dhib ????? ?. ?. ?????? , ROBERTO ALBORGHETTI and other Italians, please share this post and other my promotional posts with your connections on all social network on which you are active. It is an INTERNATIONAL e-book with content important and interesting to everybody on the planet. The fast success of this e-book is key. It got launched on Amazon on July 3. If it get a proper PUSH NOW --soon enough in accord with the law of a snowball --IT WILL PROMOTE ITSELF ! I AM PLANNING TO SPEND SOME TIME IN GREECE AND ITALY THIS YEAR. I WANT TO WRITE TWO E-BOOKS THERE ! Without money I will not be able to go ! HELP NOW !
Writer/photographer/documentary filmmaker
9 年FRIENDS, the launching of this e-book is a chance to invite and get closer to you with whom we communicate too seldom. So I continue my invitations and please share my posts about the e--book with the world via your connections: Dariusz Wojcicki MBA MEng PRINCE2 Dariusz(at)Wojcicki(.)biz, willie garcia, Greg Jones. MA. william jones, Thyrone Tyrone Williams, Lilian Soemai, Rajendra Nhisutu, Ayman A Madani / 1700+, Dalu Corina Cristiana, Dimitra Soulioti, Dimitriy Axenov, Jim Durling, Todd Johnson, Slawomir Grunberg, visnja zeric, Christian Howes, IJCT GROUP, Basia Jerey, Journal Broadcast Group (division of Journal Communications), Joseph Siewick - Physicist, Carlos V., Carlos Brunel Vergara, Come on board !
Writer/photographer/documentary filmmaker
9 年Friends, I am inviting you all: COME ON BOARD. SHARE MY MESSAGE WITH THE WORLD ! Sandra M., Sandra Gould, Sandra Adjodah, Cathy Jacobson, Renato Aquino, Christopher H. Dabrowski, MBA, Krzysztof Medyna, Kinga Augustyn, Ewelina MarekMarek ZywnoFriends, I am inviting you all: COME ON BOARD. SHARE MY MESSAGE WITH THE WORLD ! Sandra Monterrosa, Sandra Gould, Sandra Adjodah, Cathy Jacobson, Renato Aquino, Christopher H. Dabrowski, MBA, Krzysztof Medyna, Kinga Augustyn, Marek Zywno, Marek Podlejski, Marek Suchocki, Marek Rudnicki, to be cont.
Writer/photographer/documentary filmmaker
9 年Friends, help me reach my goal in 5 days: a crew of 1000 of you on BOARD--real FRIENDS who will SHARE my message with which is in this text with the rest of the world. Today I am inviting: Janusz Wrobel, Janusz Paliwoda, Grzegorz Ciesielski, Grzegorz Popielarz, Joanna Salska aka Uba Owl, Gwiazda Polarna, Nowy Dziennik Polish Daily News, Miroslaw Rogala, Ph.D., Rich Kujawa, Jerzy Marczak, Nick Sadowski, Jan Latus, Marian Furlaga (R), Dennis Dumas, Kristina Kovacs, Maritta Kristiina Pitk?nen. To be cont.