Amazingly Simple Brain Hack for Greater Motivation, Productivity & Appetite for Personal Growth.

Amazingly Simple Brain Hack for Greater Motivation, Productivity & Appetite for Personal Growth.

Have you seen the Amy Cuddy, TED Talks video on her "Fake It Till You Make It" study?

We know that simply how we choose to use our physiological body, including posture, physical expression and other body language, changes the neuro-chemicals in our brains in the moment -- making us more or less content, energized, positive, motivated or productive.

We also know that much -- and possibly all -- of what we do is determined by our subconscious brains' drive to experience some of these neuro-chemicals.

Well, in this video, I give you a really simple way to hack your neuro-chemical brain to prime it for greater motivation, productivity, positivity (I know, not a real word) and an appetite for risk-taking and personal challenge.

Click this link to watch the video or read the article.


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