Amazing Tamarind Medicinal Uses
It is quite imperative to utilise tamarind medicinal uses if really you understand why a tangy concoction of tamarind is a must-have in your diet.
Tamarind is enriched with potassium and vitamins B, C, carotenes and magnesium.
One of the amazing tamarind medicinal uses is that it helps boost our immune system and benefits our health in various significant ways.
Some other names):
Other Name(s): Imlee, Tamarin, Tamarindo, Tamarinier, Imli, Tamarinier, Tamarindus indicaTa
Tamarind tree is a type of tree. Its partially dried fruit is used in making medicines. It is an evergreen tree of the Leguminoseae family.
It grows up to 25 m high. Its fruits are hanging pods, 15cm – 20cm long, with its interior having a yellow flesh covering on the seeds. The flesh of the fruit and the leaves are parts used for medicinal purposes.
In Caribbean and Central American countries, it is quite common to find soft drinks based on tamarind flesh. It has a sweet and sour flavour at the same time.
Properties and Indications
The flesh that covers the seeds of the tamarind is rich in sugar (60% – 65%) and organic acids (citric, tartaric and malic). It also contains pectin.
The medicinal applications of the flesh are as follows: