To be an amazing leader during hard times 11 things can help.

To be an amazing leader during hard times 11 things can help.

The last thing people need when things are falling apart is weak leadership that lacks conviction.

Like everyone, leaders are susceptible to fear and uncertainty. Our brains our wired to overreact and so the limbic system takes charge. That’s where emotions like panic and anxiety reside.

As a result, fear and trepidation often become involuntary. 

This mechanism worked remarkably well when being chased by dinosaurs. However, in business it’s a liability and I see it frequently.

“The longing for certainty is in every human mind. But certainty is generally illusion” - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Here are 11 things great leaders appreciate when confronted with a crisis:


Humans crave certainty. Unfortunately, our world is uncertain. 76% of our brain is composed of the neocortex which manages millions of data entry points. One function is predicting the future and unexpected change throws this feature into overdrive.

Our brain offers a reward each time we accurately predicate the future in the form of a rush of dopamine.   

Great leaders get good at predicating the future and spend less time "managing uncertainty".

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Uncertainty consumes a tremendous amount of mental energy, which adversely effects productivity. 

Uncertainty promotes the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that effects the immune system.

Great leaders need to create an atmosphere of confidence that alleviates these primal instincts. When people feel secure that our direction is clear, it creates a sense of reassurance.

Most people require direction. Fail to provide vision as a leader, and the organization will struggle.


People lack confidence in weak leaders. They are reluctant to follow anyone until that person demonstrates strength.

Without courage people become vulnerable and they require decisive leadership for direction. Preferably someone with a track record of success.

Many leaders compensate for their weakness with bravado and controlling behavior. They believe force is the answer for exhibiting strength. It isn’t.

Real leaders show strength buy getting results every time adversity arises.  People learn to trust their remarkable instincts and sleep well knowing the business is in good hands.  

“Only do what your heart tells you” - Princess Diana

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Intuition has been a valuable instrument for survival since the beginning of human life.

When confronted with life or death decisions original ancestors didn’t have the luxury of gathering all the facts. They had to react, and that reaction was based on instincts.

Great leaders have remarkable intuition and they rely on it heavily.

They don’t over analyze every emotionally energized opinion. Their intuition has been tested and they learn to trust their internal compass.

They give their intuition room to breathe. They appreciate wise decisions can’t be rushed.

They also realize accurate intuition is something cultivated over time. A pattern of reliability has been established.


Great leaders are positive, and it’s based-on performance and a pattern of remarkable success.

People that are positive nullify fear in other people, and their optimism is contagious.

There is nothing worse than a negative leader who is clearly overwhelmed with stress that can’t provide the direction people desperately crave.

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Confidence is incredibly intoxicating. Why? Because it’s so rare.

Confident people are self-aware and treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Arrogance is an unappealing alternative offered by people that fake confidence. 

Arrogant people are insecure, and that’s the last thing people need when they feel uncertain.


Humble people wear success with dignity and don’t make demands they wouldn’t do themselves. They lead by example and drive straight ahead without inhibitions when confronted with adversity.


Great leaders recognize what’s outside their control and focus on what they can control. By doing so, they send a clear signal. We are focused on success not reacting to the wave of uncertainty that’s decimating most organizations. 

They don’t ignore reality, but they don’t dwell on the obstacles. They are laser focused on a clear direction and that sense of control is invigorating.  

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Great leaders inspire by example. They aren’t focused on motivational messages and countless meetings; they are focused on actions that create results.

Most organizations have been wrapped up in strategy sessions as they finesse through this latest crisis. 

Great leaders are busy executing their vision and that vision is vividly clear to everyone in the organization. 

Each team clearly understands what needs to be done, because they receive the freedom necessary to execute without constant oversight.

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Great leaders operate with high self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Most people operate on fear and impulse.

Great leaders acknowledge fear then move toward emotional insight which offers perspective and clarity. 

I’ve seen many leaders let fear prevail during this Covid19 crisis. When fear takes hold, we let irrational thoughts dominate our decisions.


Great leaders always do what’s best for their teams and focus on decisions that ensure the survival of their people. 

They don’t rush in the direction of cutbacks or discourage criticism that might offer insight into a improving a challenging situation.

Great leaders create an environment of open communication, and that includes honest feedback.    

“The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably deal with” - Tony Robbins

Sum it up

Leaders with conviction are inspiring and they have focus and determination. True confidence puts people at ease and creativity crescendos when people feel secure. 

What other qualities make a leader great during tough times? Share your thoughts in the comments section and please like and share this article. I love learning from you as well.

About Steve:

Steve Wohlenhaus is CEO of Weatherology, the leading company in the world at disseminating audio weather information.  Steve began his career as a major market television weather anchor in Minneapolis, where he received several Emmy Awards for science programming. Steve is an author and host of the podcast program Anatomy of Success. Reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn and grab the FREE Weatherology mobile app!

abdelkader ziouche

???? ?? Université Mentouri de Constantine

3 年

Well said

Athena Yuan

Shandong Drug Administration - Physician in charge

3 年

This is a great professional article about amazing leadership during hard times I’ve ever read.Thank you,Mr Wohlenhaus.It’s rather intriguing,insightful and persuasive. I have faith in the fact that some outstanding characters of great leaders’are natural gifts,such as remarkable intuition,positive mindset, extraordinary courage,incredible confidence,high self-awareness.In a ward,some one was born a great leader. The great leaders are decisive.They make quick decision out of their intuition,courage and confidence when they face the great danger.They lead the follwers to walk out of the hot water and save lives.The follwers trust them without any doubt or unconditionally.The great leaders means hope of life and they have intensive bandage between them. The great leaders have the ability of viewing of overall situation.It’s due to their intuition and their updating information analytical ability.It helps them draw a correct conclusion. The great leaders are strategic,flexible and imaginative.They’re open-minded and never limit themselves by the book or the experiences of themselves and the others'.They’re the Master of?cross domains.They know exactly when and how to use various strategies according to the change of inner environment and external environment. The great leaders are familiar with human nature.They take great advantage of the good human nature to build trust and encourage their followers to cultivate their loyalty, enthusiasm, deciplines etc.

Faiza Khan

Digital marketer at Pxlhut

3 年

Well said ??


Woner ful sir natural butay are good ..good work man your achiver so high pohtos on selll .. parfact pic wordes u like bilyon plz pay your picks ..wic

Marie Josephine

étudiant à université de Toulouse

3 年

I'm curious


