Amazing facts about Accident Protection Insurance
Is ‘Accident Protection Insurance’ same as accident benefit rider available in a life insurance policy? 99% of us will respond in the affirmative. But, they are different and this insurance is required to ensure complete protection of families.
While life insurance takes care of permanent loss of income and health insurance helps in managing medical emergencies, these policies do not protect a family when income stops temporarily or the earning potential of the breadwinner is impaired in an accident @ home or outside.
This is where the need for this policy arises. Besides providing death & disability benefits, it covers hospitalisation expenses and more importantly, it compensates for the loss of income up to 100 weeks, if the policy holder becomes temporarily disabled due to accident.
While several other benefits are available in this policy, I recommend it primarily for the weekly compensation, since no other policy – life or Medical provides this protection. And all of these benefits are available for a surprisingly low premium.
So, to fully protect our families, let us opt for this policy along with Term and Medical insurance.
For more details contact me @ 98840 39248.
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