AM vs FM  Screening in  Printing

AM vs FM Screening in Printing

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We have all came across these terms AM and FM screening in printing. Some Industry use AM screening for Printing and other use FM for printing.

In this article lets discuss the basic difference between these two screening methods used in printing.

AM or Amplitude Modulation is a method in which the half tone dots are at equal distance from each other but the size of the dots varies from highlights to mid tones to shadow. In highlights the dot size is very small then gradually increases when we progress towards mid tones and maximum in shadow area.

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FM or Frequency Modulation is a method in which the dot size remains same but the frequency of distribution of dots varies from Highlights to Mid tones to shadow. In Highlights the Frequency of dots are very less. In mid tones the frequency of dot are more than the highlights area and in shadow the frequency of dot is the maximum.

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