"I haven't really seen my partner in the past 30 years, as they were always at the club."

"I haven't really seen my partner in the past 30 years, as they were always at the club."

So, I wonder, am I viewing the club world through overly optimistic lenses, or is it indeed a reality that age-old traditions and expectations to work hours are contributing to the difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in the 'Club World'?

This past weekend, I had the privilege of attending the 2023 Regional Cycling Chautauqua, held in Cape Cod, MA. This gathering brought together a dedicated community of individuals deeply immersed in the world of Club Management, where the primary objective of the weekend was to enjoy cycling, whether at a leisurely or brisk pace, and, more importantly, to reflect on the past months or even years when they hadn't crossed paths. These moments of contemplation typically unfolded in a group setting, post-ride, with pizza and drinks in hand, but often during a coffee break or a lunch stop along the route.

Throughout this weekend, a topic that surfaced was the notion of retirement from the 'club world.' As someone in their early 40s, I hadn't previously given this matter much consideration. However, several of our group had recently retired or were contemplating it, with their spouses joining them for this weekend retreat.

While the recently retired club managers reminisced about missing the clubs, their members, and, most importantly, their teams, on multiple occasions, the spouses expressed their anticipation of finally having more time with their partners. One of them remarked, "I haven't really seen my partner for the past 30 years because they were always at the club."

Why is there an inherent expectation that those who choose to work in the club industry must devote more time than a typical 40-hour workweek, without it appearing excessive or unreasonable to both the club's board or owners, its members, or more significantly, to their fellow managers and team members?

I'm not suggesting that there aren't times in our profession when extra hours are necessary to meet deadlines, attend committee or board meetings, or cover for a colleague who is sick or on vacation – such instances are quite normal. However, what I believe should not be regarded as normal is the expectation that one consistently works exceedingly long hours, rarely sees family and friends, and has no time for personal health, leisure or vacations. I've come across numerous occasions when the governing board, club owners, or even the employees consider it 'business as usual' to put in 10-12 hours a day, six days a week 'in season' without any guarantee of these hours ‘being returned’ in quieter moments - it's just the way our industry works!

Emerging leaders in the industry are increasingly seeking more flexibility, a better balance between work and personal life, and, for those fortunate enough to have families, the opportunity for a more consistent ‘family time’ but with the nagging traditions that this is not the way it works.

So why does it come as no surprise that the club industry faces challenges in attracting and retaining well-qualified, passionate, and motivated individuals when they are constantly burdened by peer pressures, burnout and fatigue while not forgetting those we love, who we leave behind on a daily basis!

Nick S.

Market Sales Manager at NBC Sports Next

11 个月

Being a Club Manager was my original intended career path while in school, but what you write about was one of the reasons why I decided to go in a different direction. I have so much respect for the Club Managers I get to work with. Thanks for the read, Chris.

roy quini

Design and Production Manager

12 个月

Chris Duffy, CCM you are not wrong in posting this question. Burnout and internally thinking "the grass is always greener elsewhere" leads people to leave jobs, leave industries, and in some cases, early retirement. One thought that helped me turn the curve on work life balance is, "You can't pour from an empty glass". Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your members and your staff that look to you for what you bring. I'm looking forward to riding and chatting with you again soon.

Fraser Jervis CMDip

Works at Scottish Government.

12 个月

Couldn’t agree more Chris. I hope you are well and enjoying life across the pond.

Steuart Fotheringham

Health & Safety and Food Safety Provider

12 个月

Having attended the CCL Chautauqua with Kevin Fish CCM, certainly a lot of the words there will resonate with the attendees at that event too. The industry is good at sharing best practice between managers, but there is much more to be done, in particular managing the expectations of both club members and board members. It’s great that we are having these conversations, and acknowledging the problem is the first step in finding solutions.

Mark Bradford

Company Owner at MB Golf & MB Marketing - Marketing & Business Development Professional

1 年

Whilst I'm not a 'Club Manager', I do work with many of them & my impression is (rightly so) that more & more are trying to step away from certain duties such as prize giving in a 'nothing' weekend winter competition for example...yes they might only be there for an hour or so but what about the travel to/from the club? Before you know it that is 2 or 3 hours on a sunday gone that should be spent with their family instead. Surely the Captain can do this? Also why should the GM attend every MC meeting when they drag on for hours & hours & hours... because most committee members (with respect) have nothing better to do it seems? Surely the GM is the MD of the golf club & should be delegating more insignificant duties so they don't be 'part of the furniture'? I'm sure it is a great career but members need to stop being so demanding of the GM etc & realise they do have a life outside of the club?


