Am I Twisted?
Am I twisted to believe that this particular virus, Covid-19, is not necessarily a bad thing, but just is? I believe I may be searching for new perspectives; I don’t think I am necessarily cold-hearted. I am truly saddened and devastated when people succumb to this bug, especially John Prine. A new virus emerged, it happens, it will happen again, many people are going to die. There are too many of us to sustain a viable and sustainable planet anyway, that is common knowledge. Is it twisted to think viruses are inevitable, is it weird to appreciate the raw strength and unstoppable power of hurricanes, and to be in complete awe of F4 tornadoes? In my humble opinion, destruction by humans is usually bad, but natural destruction is badass! I think climate change rocks! Climate change is a conversation. Climate change is our planet televising and broadcasting the most poignant State of the Planet ever, on the largest round ball HD-3D screen, yelling and screaming at humans that we are screwing her all up! Our planet talks to us loudly. We just need to listen!
Am I twisted to believe natural disasters are just natural and not disasters at all? Death is not a bad thing, it just is! We cannot stop the planet from happening, we cannot stop ourselves from dying, we cannot control every virus, we need to let our planet happen in a more natural way and be okay with it. We need to get out of the way a little bit. We need to stop trying to control everything! We need to live in harmony with our planet. The planet is in charge. We are just a part of it, like viruses, ants, bacteria, hurricanes, and tornadoes. The more we keep trying to control shit, the more the planet will fight back. Who do you think is going to win that battle?
We are not in charge here. Perhaps, when we finally understand that, we may get closer to figuring out what our role as participants should be. I believe we need to slow down, look, and listen closely to this incredibly beautiful and fascinating little blue orbiting orb. I believe this is where the answers lie. The answers are in the details: the waves, wind, soil, rocks, animals, and plants. The answers are in us. When I say answers, I am alluding to more subtle narratives such as guidelines, suggestions, causes, effects, and possibilities. We need to explore what works right now and adjust as we go.
We are incredible. Take a close look at yourself. Look closely at your skin, look closely at your eyes in a mirror, move your fingers in a rhythmic way, play an instrument and sing and tell me that we are not. On the other hand, we are no more incredible than a strawberry or an octopus, other than we are able to think a bit more. That attribute alone, the thinking part, seems to be the problem and the probable cause for our ultimate demise.
We are producing waste at a rate that we will all succumb to it in...not so long. We are polluting our water (like we own it) to the brink of it not being drinkable soon. And what are we doing about that? Not enough. Look up micro-plastics and let me know how that is playing out for the future of the oceans! Do we know what some of the answers are? We do! How we get there and implement those ideas are the hurdles. Can we at least talk about it a little more? Ok, a lot more? Or should we talk about next year’s Lexus model? We have been given an incredible opportunity to do just that, right now. Our societies, all of them, are on hold. What great things are happening right now and what sucks? Let’s take a close look at those things and how we can make changes that work right now. Healthcare needs work! Air pollution is almost non-existent!
This planet may take care of me soon, in the form of a microscopic bug. Does that frighten me? It actually does and does not. I don’t know how death feels, and the unknown is almost always a bit scary for me. Drowning in your own lung fluid on a gurney in the hallways of a hospital alone does not seem pleasant. That said, I am attempting to look at my expiration as an adventure. Perhaps we should all look at death and dying through a different lens. After all, death is something that every one of us writing or reading this has never done before! I’m almost 63 years of age, I have lived a life, thank you, lucky me. The only thing that I’m truly concerned about at this point, is not having enough time to say what I want to say, write what I want to write, express what I want to express. I just need a little more time, please! Perhaps I have ideas that could be helpful to this revolving wet waste ball in the sky. Who the hell knows what else is in this tiny little brain? I’m finding out right now.
Here’s the deal, if we don’t take care of our planet and truly be in touch with her, our planet is going to “take care” of us. I will most likely not be around for that day, but if I were, I would try to watch from a high perch with wide-open eyes in a state of wonder, astonishment, and awe! Is that twisted? Perhaps to you. I’m both very afraid and extremely excited to see what happens tomorrow, the next day and next week. Sorry, not sorry!