Am I a Successful Librarian?
What is the criteria for a successful librarian? Since I have to write a yearly summary to my headmaster about my accomplishments for that school year, I decided to do some research and compare my duties and responsibilities to what the literature says about successful librarians.?
After reading some articles and job announcements, I found that successful librarians, whether in a school, academic, or public setting, have the same duties and responsibilities. Whereas, the services that the librarians at those locations offer are different because their patrons are different. The similarities lie in the personal qualities, competencies, administration and management. The programs vary, but the basic policies are the same such as lending books, literacy and outreach programs, interlibrary loans, and supporting the members of their community. In the following passages, I compare my qualities, accomplishments, skills, administration, and management to other librarians.
Personal qualities?
Librarians should have love for knowledge and learning. They should like being around people, especially the ones working in Circulation and Reference departments. They should be friendly and personable. They must be aware of current events at least in their community in order to shape the library collection to serve the needs of their patrons. They must have strong organizational and computer skills. They have to love books and be highly ethical.
I love information and read most every word I see. I keep myself updated with all the decisions made by the administration. That helps me make better decisions for the future plans I make. I love books and love to share them. It gives me great pleasure when students check out books and tell me that they like them.? Because I work in an elementary school, many students cannot stay after school to finish work. I allow them to check out most books and magazines. I make sure that they have access to resources online too. I have strong organizational skills, anyone can enter the library and find their way around it. I am also very good with numbers, I have managed library budgets for over 16 years. I plan carefully and allocate money where it is most needed. I was able to raise money on many occasions to pay for library subscriptions after the school budget was cut. Like many librarians, I can say that I am very resourceful. Resourcefulness, friendliness, and occasional firmness are key characteristics of a successful librarian.??
I am ethical too. I only want what is best for my students.? I reach out to faculty and students and ask how I can help them. I try to be visible as often as I can. I go around the school every morning before classes begin? to ask whether I can be of assistance.?
My computer literacy extends to both software and hardware maintenance for? Apple, Microsoft, and Google products that are in the library.
In this day and age, all librarians should be able to use technology in different areas. I use technology to enhance the overall effectiveness of my library. I teach GALILEO and publish libguides on the library website and the homepage of the library catalog.?
Every library? has a database to keep track of all their resources. Librarians are responsible for? maintaining these databases and making them easily accessible for information. I catalog all books in the library and I maintain Follett Destiny, the library catalog. I have built the current library on which I am working. I am the only person responsible for acquisitions, and I have selected every book currently on the shelves.? I can search and teach access to databases, internet resources, and catalogs needed to find information. My motto is: “If it (information) exists, I will find it”. I am also responsible for? maintaining STAR (a testing database) and myOn (a personalized reading database for students).
A very important skill for librarians is the ability to communicate well with library staff, as well as with all patrons and guests. I train my assistants to be as confident and knowledgeable as any librarian. I speak three different languages fluently which has? helped me tremendously? in communicating with patrons and guests of various backgrounds.?
Promoting reading is a crucial responsibility of librarians. Reading is very important in everyday life and determines the success of most people. Librarians purchase different genres of books to help readers read. I know my collection and I advise students how to select the most appropriate? books for their reading level and their interests. I organize many reading contests during the school year such as the myOn contest where students compete by reading the most number of books during a month and have to answer questions about those books.? I celebrate Read Across America the entire month of March. Students not only dress up as characters from books, but also read books aloud to their peers. I try to involve my students in every reading contest, whether globally or within the community.?
Librarians should have the ability to present information clearly and in an interesting manner. Whether they are teaching a class or doing a presentation, librarians should have the skill of public speaking. The most important form of communication is the daily one-on-one. There are other forms of communication, such as emails, publications, signage, and on the World Wide Web. I have to present library opportunities often in faculty meetings. My presentations are never longer than ten minutes. I always ask the teachers to visit the library if they are interested in knowing more about the topic. They often do. I have a strong level of customer service; therefore, few patrons leave the library without their sought answer or information about their topics. If I am not able to find an answer for their inquiry, I always follow-up with an email within twenty-four hours with an answer. I make sure to use different formats to publish news from the library. I use the bulletin board outside the library, emails, newsletter, facebook, twitter and the school’s and library’s website to promote the library services and collections.?
The librarian profession has gone through many changes. librarians love new things and can adapt easily to new tools, systems, and situations as they arise. The library and information technology is constantly evolving and shifting, and librarians must be able to evolve along with it. We shifted from the use of card catalog to online catalog, from bound indexes to online databases, from print resources to search engines on the internet, from filing, writing, and typing to data entry. I started my librarian experience in a large university, the American University of Beirut, then went on to smaller colleges, Floyd College and Gwinnett Technical College.? For the last sixteen years I have been in K-12 school settings, Kennedy Elementary School and DeKalb Academy of Technology and Environment. For every position I had to change and adapt to the situation. In the academic setting, I was assigned to special departments, Circulation and Reference, and I collaborated with the other departments. Being in a school setting, I have to assume all library departments’ roles. I am the director of the library, the collection development librarian, the acquisitions librarian, the cataloguer librarian, the interlibrary loan librarian, the serials librarian, and definitely the reference librarian. In addition to the previous roles, I have to teach research and technology skills. I am also the go-to person for technology questions and troubleshooting.? I give lectures to faculty and students about copyright laws and plagiarism.
Librarians are known to have an open mind.? We don’t believe in censorship. We gather unbiased information. We are team players, and we collaborate with anyone who wants to be involved in a certain project. I have worked in different libraries with students of different backgrounds and ages. There is a French saying: “il faut de tout pour faire un monde” (It takes all sorts to make a world), so I understand that patrons come to me with some preset knowledge. My job is to present information to them from different points-of-view with tangible resources, and let them decide what best suits their topic. One of my favorite classes to teach is about the debate topic research and the pro and cons of controversial topics. The students were engaged for the full hour. I introduced them to the freedom of speech, decision making, and respect for others’ opinions.?
I always ask for input from faculty and reach out for help if I am not certain about some issues. I believe in answering questions and presenting solutions to all my patrons. I go further and challenge my students to solve their problems, even if they are in first grade. I rarely encounter difficult or problematic patrons that I could not deal with on my own. I have always had support from my supervisors in those circumstances.
There are several education groups that offer guidance to librarians. There are many conferences, publications, listservs, professional development and other resources where one could get news, suggestions and guidance about the librarian profession. I am a member of GLMA (Georgia Library Media Association) and the LLA (Lebanese Library Association). The Department of Media Education, in our county hold several professional development sessions to keep us up to date. In general, if I have a question, I just post it on the Georgia Media listserv and within minutes I receive an answer. Librarians love to help !??
I have great administration and management skills. In all the positions I held in libraries, I was able to gather information, store it, and make it easily accessible to all my patrons. I prepare a budget every year that allows me to select materials needed in the library. I catalog each item with my patrons in mind. I divide the collection according to their needs. I chose Follett Destiny for the library catalog, because it is easy to use and kid-friendly. I teach various classes from Kindergarten to Eighth Grade, while collaborating with teachers and designing my lessons around the topics they are teaching. I communicate with students, teachers, and parents using any method that works for them (whether in person, by telephone, or through emails) to help them find the information they seek.
I change my program every year and base it on the latest practices in libraries. Along with my day-to-day duties and lessons, I collaborate with the Gifted teacher on several projects. We take students to present at the GAETC (Georgia Education Technology Conference), coach students for the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition, and register all gifted students to vote on a mock Super Tuesday website.? In addition, we supervise a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) project based on a book : Fancy Nancy: explorer extraordinaire! by Jane O’Connor.
Basically, I am a good librarian. I think there is much more to learn and do. I have only reflected here on selected random articles from the internet; though, I look forward to reading more research-driven,? academic ones? as I increase my own knowledge as a lifelong learner. As for being successful, I think I am on the right track but have a lot to learn.
Note: As I am finishing this self reflecting text, I was approach by a teacher for a new project that I have to learn about.?
Robert. "Characteristics of a Successful Librarian." Literacy, Education, Opportunity. Child-aid, n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
Bivens-Tatum, Wayne. "An Essential Skill for All Librarians." Academic Librarian: On Libraries, Rhetoric, Poetry, History, & Moral Philosophy. Princeton University, 26 Mar. 2013. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
Kirsch, Breanne. “How to Become an Essential Librarian.” The Journal of the New Members Round Table 2.1 (2011): 1–17. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
O’Connor, Jane. Fancy Nancy: Explorer Extraordinaire! New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2009. Print.
Robert. Core Competencies of Librarianship." a New Social Community for Librarians Worldwide. ?N.p., 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.