Am I a stakes horse or a claimer ?
Scott Paul Lipinoga
MBA . CBAP . Business Analyst . Project Management_____only a river gonna make things right !
Turn three is the hardest turn in the race if you think about it.
Turn one is cake…. ‘we are just out of the gate’
Turn two is like……. ‘ok I got this’
Turn three is where you can tell a stakes horse from a claimer. It is so simple to see.
If a claimer gets passed in turn three by a stakes horse, then the claimer gives up ‘nothing I can do’
If a stakes horse gets passed in turn three by a claimer, then the stakes horse wins because on turn three he said ‘to hell with that……ain’t no claimer passing me’ or something similar in horse thought – because the stakes horse runs with his heart !
So the point today is that when you feel you are going to be passed, look within your heart and find that laughter that tells you… hey – I trained for this problem … I went to school for thousands of hours to think this through. I am no better than them and they are no better than me – or in the world famous words of our world famous author Steven Covey --- ‘seek first to understand and then to be understood’
Understand others before you understand yourself ?
or understand yourself before you understand others ?
I write these thoughts not for you is my example, I write them for me – it is a way for me to take a break and be creative in my own way so if you read this, I hope you enjoyed it and as always………….
don’t forget to smile, be safe and say your gratitudes