Am I old yet?
Dr Denise Taylor
Thought Leader on Ageing & Later Life | Award-Winning Career & Retirement Coach | Speaker & Author: Find Work at 50+ & Rethinking Retirement | Reimagining Work, Purpose & Possibilities in Mid-Life & Beyond | Wood Owner
I remember feeling old at 20!
I definitely didn’t feel old at 60.
At 66 … I’m getting pains in my knee, physio isn’t sorting it out, so I’m having an Xray and doing what I can to avoid having cortisone injections. I may need a knee replacement in the future, but not now.
But that’s just related to my body.
In my mind I’m as young as ever. I’m still fascinated by life, love exploring and learning more, and sharing my knowledge …
Music remains my passion. On Friday I was at an evening in Cheltenham celebrating female musicians, with 3 singer songwriters and 3 female led bands. Sunday I was down in Bristol watching 3 pop-punk type bands. High energy, VERY high energy. It was in a student area of Bristol (Stoke Croft) and my partner looked around the venue and said – we are the only people over 30. That doesn’t bother me at all.
As I chatted to the drummer selling merch I was saying how much I enjoyed getting to know new bands and a benefit of getting older is I can afford to spend £35 on a hoodie and £20 on a T shirt. (when did T shirts start costing £20?!)
Old is very much a state of mind but people will still look for a way to describe people.
I like the overall description of olders – much more than the elderly, or seniors. And Geriatric, while precise is too clinical. I also like the term elder, but don’t think that this is appropriate for all. Not all older people are wise.
I also don’t like phrases such as '70 is the new 50.'
No, it is not.
70 is 70.
And this is how 70 (or whatever) looks and acts.
If you want to jump out of aeroplanes at 66 or 100, why not. And if you would rather have a quiet night in with a glass of Chablis or cocoa, that’s fine too. We can all make choices to suit the person we are today, and change our minds tomorrow. ?
Sorting through some notes, the 2016 Marist Poll found that two thirds of respondents considered 65 to be middle aged or even young. So, when do people think we are old? My mum is 90 and she is old, and now slowing down.
In my forthcoming book I write about the y-olds, the young olds and I do like that as a description. I see that as a good description for people up to about 75/80. Its then that more people may start to have health problems, and I hope I can wait till then for a knee replacement!
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Book update
22 days till my book is published!
Yesterday I sent an update to everyone who has signed up - my life has been so busy with moving home, clients, family ... and I haven't followed my marketing plan, and I realise that's ok. And that gives me space to relax. For the rest of the week I'm on a woodland management course and time in nature will be good for me.
Dr Denise Taylor is a Chartered Psychologist and Vision Quest Guide, specialising in retirement transitions and elderhood. Regularly featured in the media, she is the author of 8 books including Find Work at 50+ and Now You've Been Shortlisted.
Next book Rethinking Retirement for Positive Ageing due out 8 November.?Sign up for pre-launch freebies:
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1 年"I also don’t like phrases such as '70 is the new 50.' No, it is not. 70 is 70." I agree that 70 is 70 but being 70 is so much better than it used to be. Healthcare has improved and work opportunities are more prevalent, enabling us to live longer with purpose.