Am I Offending God If I Ask The Angels For Help?

Dearest ones we’re so delighted that you’re exploring the energetic realm in such depth. There’s so much assistance available to each and every one of you but you must know whom to ask and believe that you have been heard. Then you must understand that you are always worthy. There’s no thought or deed that can separate you from the love of God. You’re always viewed as being deserving of receiving. While you’re on your physical journey you may do or say things that are not true. You may cause great harm and you may be considered reprehensible by others who are on the physical journey with you. Even this advanced state of deprivation doesn’t make you unworthy in God’s eyes. No one is refused help. No one can be cut off from Source and no one can become unlovable. The physical journey that was chosen may be responsible for creating pain in the self and others but you are not the physical body or your physical journey. You, are the eternal being who’s fullness remains in the energetic, and as your authentic self you are and you express only love. An exploration into the darker aspects of beingness or your shadow side doesn’t eliminate the core of your being. Bringing light to the darkness is of service to all but before light can be shared, the darkness must be explored, understood and examined. No matter what role you choose in any lifetime, you are always in service to the Godhead and the collective consciousness.

Now that you understand that it’s impossible to make a choice that results in your expulsion from the arms of the Divine, let’s examine the energetic realm from the perspective of receiving help on your physical journey. First, understand that it’s impossible to navigate the physical alone. None of you are alone, it’s impossible for you to be alone but if it were possible, you’d hardly last more than a few minutes at best. The bodies that you give so little thought to until they begin breaking down, are running on autopilot. If there’s no supreme commanding force that orchestrates all of life, how then does your heart beat regularly as your lungs breathe in and out? If you were tasked with the work of monitoring your bodily functions manually you would be able to do nothing else. This alone should put to rest all doubt that you occupy a highly organized and synchronistic universe. So much is being done for you that you take much of the rest for granted. Stop questioning whether God is a benevolent Creator and start listening to the rhythm of your own heart. That steady reassuring beat should explain everything.

Since you now understand that you receive help on a moment to moment basis, it’s desirable that there be less reluctance to seek the help you need. Instead of allowing yourself to be locked in isolation and relying on your own limited vision we ask that each of you begin taking a more mature look at your relationship with the Divine. You ask can the Divine be offended if Saints, Angels or Ascended Masters are called upon in intercession? Will, the Divine, feel jealous if you seek help from someone or something other than that which is a part of it? First, understand that there’s no ego in the Godhead. That device is a product created to assist the physical journey. Praise of the Divine’s holiness doesn’t stroke their non-existent ego. Praise lifts you into a state of exultation where it’s possible for you to believe that miracles can happen. Remember belief must come before receiving, therefore, there are many ways for you to build your belief systems so you’ll be better receivers and the experience of your physical journey will be less fraught with pain.

Yet, that’s not the only reason the Divine have no objection to you asking for help from the Angels. Nothing exists that was not created by the Divine, nothing exists that is separate from Source, nothing exists that can function apart from God. When you ask for help from the Angels or Ascended Masters you are merely asking for a more specific stream of energy or information to be directed to you. The Godhead in its fullness is both broad and specific. When it becomes specific it’s broken down into individualized energy segments much as what is represented by the physical bodies each of you inhabits. Separate and unique but united and one with all. As above so below. In the energetic realm, the angels have specific energy signatures that are designed to provide assistance in specialized areas. Archangel Raphael who helps with wellness has a concentrated energy signature of well being that can be easily transmitted. This is because if all of the energy were to stay generalized it would be too widely dispersed to be useful for individual purposes. When you manifest a physical product from the energetic it’s because you’ve successfully slowed down the energy and given density to that particular object. You’ve gathered energy that is like itself until you have enough of the likeness to create your desire. The more specific the energy you’re working with in the manifestation process, the easier it is to manifest.

An example would be calling on Archangel Michael and asking for help spreading lies and rumors. Archangel Michael’s role is to proclaim the truth and prevent the spread of falsehoods. If you were trying to use that specific energy for falsehoods you would have to undo it all and attempt to begin again. This is like asking the angel of families to help with creating a new career. Go to the career angel and ask for specific, direct help.

The clearer you are in what you’re asking for the easier it will be for you to receive assistance. Get clear in your desires, ask for assistance, understand you are worthy, believe you will receive and then create within yourself a state of open receptivity that honors above all else the wisdom of God to choose your best possible outcome. Become a willing student, be eager to learn and stop resisting situations that don’t match your ideal. Let go of how you think it should be and allow your angels and guides with their far-reaching vision to show you the way. Your role is to ask and then to be receptive to the answer. Your role is not to dictate how your success will unfold.

Give your success over to God. Stop sweating the details and begin feeling your way forward. Move forward with an open and willing heart from one moment of joy to the next. The angels and your Heavenly Father will be with you every step of the way.


Marcia Martin M Ed – The Heart Healer, your relationship expert, guides you in improving all of your relationships, beginning with the most important one, yourself. Using her extensive education as well as her intuitive gifts she will bring you a breakthrough in gentle transformation. Using her proprietary method: The Spiritual Heart Healing Technique, she guides you in accessing the memories that are holding you, prisoner. By eliminating the unconscious program that is running in the background and sabotaging your life, you experience true freedom.

Her program targets the energetic heart center where every emotional memory and its triggers are stored. Once these memories are cleared and healed you are able to live life on your terms, as your authentic self, empowered to live your life on purpose as the person you came here to be. Heal your heart and transform your life!

Message her for a complimentary, thirty-minute consultation at


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