Today Nosicelo Mtebeni is being laid to rest. Nosicelo was killed in August by her boyfriend. He dismembered her body and shoved her in a bag. Every year gender-based violence and femicide has a different face. I can't help but wonder, am I next?
I’m tired of being afraid of making eye contact with men, thinking that if I don’t look at them, they won’t see me.
I’m tired of being afraid while standing in a public place,
Not knowing who is about to haunt me, stalk me or hurt me.
I’m tired of sitting on the bus or waiting for a taxi and wondering; did this man just come back from raping a woman?
I’m tired of being distrustful of all men because of the faults of a few.
I’m tired of feeling like it’s my fault.
You can read the full post here: