Am I "Down with Trump"? or a "Trump Hater?"? It's a Split Decision!

Am I "Down with Trump" or a "Trump Hater?" It's a Split Decision!

As I have posted my articles on various social media platforms, shared insights, weighed in with analysis, and -- yes -- offered opinion here and there, I have been fascinated by some of the comments I have received. Here are three.

The first came in a few weeks ago after I shared a perspective that appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine ("Dying in a Leadership Vacuum”) that criticized the federal and state response to COVID-19:

“Dean…is a passive aggressive absolute Trump hater who, whether he realizes it or not, is totally transparent in his liberal, progressive, and social[ized] medicine viewpoints. He...might as well work for the DNC.”

Earlier, during the Democratic debates, I shared an analysis that I wrote (“Does Medicare for All Have Legs to Stand On?) in the “Paying till It Hurts” Facebook forum created by Kaiser Health News’ Elizabeth Rosenthal. In it, I noted that Medicare for All has no chance of becoming law in this country anytime soon and, thus, the so-called public option would be a much more sensible alternative. The critics descended, including these two:

“Dean is a full-time Medicare for All basher.?Like Trump, he's very very scared that the current apple cart will be upset. [He’s] down with Trumpcare.”
“He writes propaganda based on misleading info [about Medicare for All] because he has no real arguments.”

So, which is it? Am I a candidate for employment at the DNC, or a propagandist for the RNC? Could it be neither? Could it be that sober, realistic analysis and assessment -- as well as opinion that draws on truth vs fiction -- tends to rile up those on the extremes of the political spectrum? Who really knows?

One thing I do know: I look forward to writing about and analyzing the health policies of the individual we select to occupy the Oval Office these next four years. I always have fun doing that.

In fact, my next assignment is underway. With the help of trusted managed health care experts. I will be analyzing the expected federal response to COVID-19 in 2021. It will be published in a few weeks in First Report Managed Care.

I look forward to reading your comments.


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