Am drinking Moonshine and walking on Sunshine

Am drinking Moonshine and walking on Sunshine

What time is it? yes… you, you clever one reading this, is it daytime? then please log a reminder to step out in the night, Are you reading this in the dark of the night? Stop now, step out, look up and find the moon. Cloudy day…. notice the white glow that still illuminates the dark sky, no moon at all… even better look at the stars that shine brighter creating an infinite “connect the dots” jumble just for you in the sky. Go ahead, make a memory with this natural satellite in the sky.

My first memory of the moon is rather “cringe” or ugh! too saccharine sweet! but here it goes, just for you. The first time I looked up at what is a common feature in the night sky with awe, marvel and utter adoration is when a rather elderly gentleman I was dating called me and said “Tej, go out and look what I drew up for you in the sky” I melted! my eyes lit up and I had the widest smile pasted on my face for a few days to follow. Yeah, some fascinations begin like that. A super moon night, close enough to take your breath away and I was hooked to the moon. The elderly gentleman moved along but my love affair with the moon carried on.

In this edition let me walk you through how this largest entity after the sun in the sky moves our technology, and makes many a varied appearance in mythologies from around the world, a hero in a few stories and a villain in some. The moon’s significance in Astrology, psychology and closer home in your body and to the other species that have adapted behaviours and survive based on the moon cycle.

Techno Moon - Celestial inspirations for some Earthly tech challenges.

First, A shout-out to Samsung phone users (It's rare I do this, so please take it), did you know your phone camera is specially designed to capture the moon? Raise your hands up in the air if you own anything above a Galaxy S10 and shout a little louder if you own a S21 series, your phone recognises the different phases of the moon, thanks to AI. The brightness control adjusts the display setting to emphasise the light against a darker sky and image stabilisers remove the need for a tripod. Voila! you have your perfect moon shot. Enough about tech that will help to view the moon, let's look at what the elements from the moon can help us in building tech to assist us, mere mortals. From the many missions to the moon, we’ve brought back samples of Lunar Regolith (moon soil) and the one element that can aid in nuclear fusion to enhance lung MRI’s is the Helium 3 (3He), although the same element is found on the earth’s surface (very sparsely) the 3He from the regolith has been bombarded by solar flares for over 4 billion years and is considered the energy source of the future. inexhaustible and much less polluting (low radioactive waste) than the fission of heavy atoms such as uranium. Am going to set aside nuclear fusion for now, then again… why should I? Because what destroys also allows for regeneration. The 3He from the lunar surface surpasses the limitations of conventional MRI and allows a visual on lung ventilations that do not participate in the breathing process. 3He is especially useful for diffusion-weighted imaging which measures the diffusion of Helium gas within the lungs and brings up the tiniest of lung microstructure. This is greatly useful for detecting paediatric lung conditions. Interlune is going to be mining Helium 3 and has raised ?US $18 million in seed funding. I feel divided by the idea of mining objects in the sky, would I opt for a 3He supported MRI that allows better insight and treatment for a loved one or myself … I don’t know yet. Would you?

Lunar Legends - The Myth, the stories and how the moon mooned across cultures.

Every time I look up at the moon, there is a decadent desire to peer closer, stare longer, to simply bathe in the luscious beauty of the moon glow… incidentally, in most cultures the moon despite being of male or female gender is described as a being of beauty. Luna, Selene, Khonshu, Tsukiyomi, Chandra… a moon by many names. The constant theme for the moon mythologies surrounds fertility and navigation (traveller). I definitely see a connection to both, a woman’s menstrual cycle ranges anything between 27-28 days and so does the full cycle of the moon covering the 8 phases starting from a new moon to a waning crescent. Polynesians navigated the seas based on the moon’s phases, least to say Hina the Polynesian moon goddess represented the cyclical nature of life, fertility and rebirth. She governed the tides, seasons and the growth of plants, all of which are influenced by the moon’s gravitational pull. Now let’s just look at the attributes of Chandra, in Atharva Veda he is the supreme lord of the plants, Khonshu in Egyptian mythology could keep a woman and the land fertile. He’d watch over wanderers of the night. Lune and Selene are known to govern the human psyche. As I begin to dig deeper, I am led through a roller coaster of a ride with the mythologies of the moon, aside of fertility and navigation one other aspect was also the myth around the lunar eclipse. Just as we have Rahu and Ketu in Indian mythology swallowing the moon, we have an assortment of Roman demons, Chinese Dragons and Vietnamese frogs that gobble the moon to explain the eclipse season. Isn’t it fascinating that the only object in the sky that you can stare at would shrink, disappear and change shape day after day and the only way to keep track was through stories. Is the moon really a God? A natural satellite of the Earth that moves the Earth’s elements just as strongly as the Sun, would we arrive at the many scientific discoveries of the Moon sans our myths?

Lunar Lure - Moon and Human Behaviour

My curiosity about psychology started with getting to know the people in my head a little better, to begin with…why are they even there? and why are they constantly talking to me, how do they know so much?… ai ai ai, their chatter would drive me nuts, I really want to end this thought positively for your sake and say “not anymore and a pill quietened them all”, but here’s what I have to say to you… I listened to them, I gave them names, we negotiate from time to time and we’ve come agree that we are really the best company for each other and we are loved.

Well historically I can imagine how the moon may have come to be associated with mental health, when a woman’s menstrual cycle synchs with the phases of the moon and her emotional status varies with the waning and waxing hormones in her body, just as the moon phases, an intuitive and clever one would make the connections sooner than later. Add to this the primordial anxiety of night where predators can attack animals in their sleep, the moon had every scope to conjure up anxieties in all traditions. The Lunar effect or the Transylvania effect where researchers studied the impact of the moon on everything from stock market returns, criminal activity to conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, David Avery and Thomas Wehr found mood-related disorder symptoms uncannily correlating to the moon’s phases, stating that people’s sleep was affected around the full moon, even without direct moonlight exposure. Suggesting that the moon’s gravitational pull could influence water movements within cells, mirroring its effect on ocean tides. This cellular impact might extend to human biology, given its evolutionary origins in water-rich environments. They concluded that there is a connection between lunar cycles and mood swings in patients with Bipolar disorders.

Lunar Legacies: The moon’s astrological journey.

As a nascent student in Vedic astrology learning the effects of the moon in a natal chart was rather fascinating. The Sun suggests all things action like “purpose” and “drive”, while the moon is more reaction, like emotions, to nurture, responsive, and reflective, the moon dictates how we spontaneously and instinctually react. There are different houses in a natal chart and the placement of the moon in each of these said “houses” is governed by a “lord” and a constellation. For example, I have the moon placed in the 7th house from the ascendant which represents partnerships and relationships. The sign that rules this house is cancer and the lord is native aka the moon… now there are multiple ways of interpreting this, I could tell you the nurturing cancer and moon combination makes me ever so happy when I “take care” of something for somebody, it could be hiding a body or making a meal. Well, jokes aside… the moon for the Maori is referred to as the “man-eater” reflecting its feared destructive powers and it was the Indus and Babylonian priests who first used the positions of celestial bodies to predict events and the divine will of god. In contemporary astrology, the moon and its placement are studied to interpret cycles of emotional growth, instincts and probable responses.

Moonstruck: How Lunar Cycles Shape Life on Earth

Am tempted to go to the origin story here, about 4.5 billion years ago, a small planet smashed into the young Earth, flinging molten rock into space. Slowly, the debris coalesced, cooled and solidified, hence forming our MOON! let’s say this is the most agreed-upon scenario by scientists. The mutual gravitational pull caused the oceans to bulge and tides appeared, these tides and moonlight affected the biological and circadian rhythms, and the first to catch on were the reef fish who synchronised their reproductive activities not just with the phases of the moon but also with subtle changes of the moon’s brightness and position affecting their internal clock and hormonal cycles, thereby determining the optimal time to spawn, this changed the predators feed cycle and somewhere along the way the human biology too subtly synchronised with the lunar and tidal cycles strong enough to influence birth rates. Read more about The lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behaviour and physiology

This has been an incredibly long read, if you stuck around...thank you! You read what was a labour of love for knowledge and knowing, remembering a little bit more than I did before. I hope you liked reading all things Moon, I look up at the sky with a deep sense of wonder and awe every night. The Moon does take my breath away on most nights and I look at this object in the sky with utmost adoration and love.


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