For Alzheimer's: Is there a solution at hand?

There are tremendously promising results are in the scientific literature on how to stop dementia, TBI and Alzheimer's. An informed public might help.

The technology works in three vital steps. Stopping degeneration, then inducing neuronal growth in nerve pads, dendrites and synapses, and third, retuning the brain for noticeable cognitive improvement. Non-pharmaceutically.

Pharmacology is at its limits and a breakthrough in the clinics, held back for thirty years, due to the forces that held back Galileo 500 years ago, is about to break out, due in part to new patents and the money that can be made from competition. 

This is safe, evidence is that it works, stops degeneration, repairs neuronal tissue, and retunes the brainwaves to offset the damage. First double blind, placebo controlled study was in 2009! DOD is using this technology with  success in TBI. Check the scientific literature. 

There needs to be more of a sense of urgency in medicine. And research. 

Scientific data can be viewed here:

This is the video from OctoberInvest Fest held at the NY Academy of Science, 2015:  Explaining this understandably. 

Multiple patents pending. Licensing negotiations in discussion. Uses technology considered "of insignificant risk" by the FDA.

Works, in spite of incorrect folklore that infrared energy cannot penetrate the cranium non-invasively. It can. Folklore kills people.

This technology is safe enough to be in a computer game. Why not a suffering grandparent?

Because if the public knew, they would demand this technology over promises from Big Pharma and highly invasive surgery from device companies that is not always necessary. There appears to be a similar, non-invasive therapy for Parkinson's, coming on-line. Not from us. But worth your paying attention to. 

Neurosurgeons are considered a market segment by industry. They cannot utilize what industry will not provide. It is economics and hocus-pocus, not failure of technology. Physicians are often trapped in this system, and shunned if they speak out. 

Americans need to fight back against those who oppress them, or are willing to let them suffer, for profit. It is our right to read, learn, and question. We do not do this enough in medicine, nor do those in medical silos, and definitely not running the handful of companies that control American healthcare. 

Search "LLLT and tissue healing." Don't take my word for it. Validate that your caregivers are not old school, letting your parent's perish, even with the best of intentions, and often aristocratic, rigid opinions. Frequently saying there is no evidence, when the fact is, because they often do not look. Force medicine into the 21st Century. Lives depend on this. Ask questions. 

The FDA is NOT the problem. They strive for safety. Industry is the recalcitrant. They make the FDA and cost a scapegoat, when it is, in fact, a barrier to entry they use to keep the markets to the giants. This is not well understood, so planning costs for innovation go way up, and the monopoly is the gatekeeper. If success and reward go to cash cows, innovation cannot fluorish. 

Competition and innovation are the solution. Demand this. Americans did the last time robber barons were hurting the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, 100 years ago, when the Sherman Act was passed. Another law is not what is needed. Awareness and free speech will help.

This is a great litmus test. 

Big charities are saying there is no success of a reversal in Alzheimer's, send more money. We presented this to them. 

There is a link to the clinical data above, and presentations to the NIH and the Alzheimer's Association, can be viewed there. They have not been acted upon, for very bothersome reasons.

Both presentations, to the NIH in 2010, and to the Alzheimer's Association in March, 2015, are available at the link for your personal review and evaluation. Feel free to show your doctor. They probably do not know about this, and this may change market demand to patient advantage. 

We are far too respectful of those we entrust with our lives. The FDA prevents dangerous solutions. It is industry not excited about less surgery, and less dangerous drugs. This includes far too many physicians, accepting the status quo, when the literature shows otherwise, but industry controls all channels. 

Get mad and force accuracy and honesty in the clinic and industry. Longevity is more than a slogan to sell books. Industry must be held to task.

The profits are in selling cash cows. Force competition. Read, search, and blog. Demand matters, and public opinion matters. Force outcomes over just P&L among industry executives and boards. If Americans act like we still have a free country, and encourage competition, instead of big deal-itis in medicine, healthcare will get better. Costs would go down. Speak up! 


Visit   Sign up to hear about trials to be held near you. 

We are organized to follow the rules, to the letter.  And to use free speech to wake up Americans to the fact they are being killed without robust competition in the clinic.

Anyone holding a license or scientific reputation in medicine has to tow the line.  In medicine, and academia, you do not wish to be shunned, or thought a "cowboy."

But when something that works, and can save lives, is placed on the back burner by scientific and medical propaganda and bias, how can the public know? How can physicians? They can't read the thousands of journals on every little progress with mice. We have evidence in humans, being ignored. 

Read. Question physicians, so they can question the manufacturers who control distribution in medicine. They are basking in profits, not the innovation that built their firms. PR and illusion claim otherwise. This is not the only underutilized, life-saving technology.

Competition can change this, if the public becomes more aware of why and how great innovations cannot get to market. I know, I worked with the man who invented the first successful implantable pacemaker, and made Medtronic into the giant it is. He and I sold innovation to them, and they brought it to market. 

Venture capital has become the new R&D department of medicine. They are wise not to invest in technology the industry does not assertively indicate that they want to buy. So, most do not. Catch-22.

Monopolistic industries stagnate. Innovation is the cure. This requires competition and free markets. I am not saying unregulated. We need safety. Monopoly we can live longer without. People in the medical industry cannot speak out. Their jobs and perception depends on following the trend. All the way up to the CEO. Unless a board member happens to read this, and wish to be more successful in the clinic. 

Medicine needs disruption the way that mainframe computing needed Microsoft, and the PC revolution. But, that was an open market. Healthcare is far from that, but can be. 

Please, read the literature, watch the video, and get active. This is industry that created great products now acting like Kodak did. But Kodak was in a competitive market. Alzheimer's innovation is not, yet. That is the goal of this obviously risky posting. 

Photobiomodulation can be the tool that changes the game. America fixed tobacco, in spite of the lobby. Let's cut Big Pharma down to size with the technology that works, but has been held back by folklore.

Let's empower one of the device companies, with the patents we have spent two years and $1 million developing. Even an MD and Ph.D. should not convince you to buy inaccuracy when you parents are dying from it. Nor should Big Pharma. But they have pharmaceutical bias.

We are willing to license this technology to one of the medical device companies. We are moving forward with testing, but this opportunity is so very big, one of the device companies could step forward, and take the prize Big Pharma is stumbling on. 

This simple little act of competitiveness can ripple through medicine. So, if you know a device company CEO, mention this to them. We can't take forever, this is a pandemic affecting 60 million, worldwide.  

1 million pacemakers implanted annually produces north of $10 billion in highly profitable sales, and a huge market cap. 

There are 60 million dementia sufferers, 60% with Alzheimer's. There is a solution, in clinics, ignored by industry. Let's do something about it.

What can you do? 

Michael is passionate about the NooThera technology and what it can do for the many millions suffering today. I believe in him and his colleagues and hope to assist them in their quest to bring NooThera to market to alleviate the terrible suffering we all know of. Please seriously consider contacting Michael if you can offer any support, tangible or intangible. We can all add value!



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