The Alx?Intranet, my ALX SASA
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The Alx?Intranet, my ALX SASA


I recently finished a project called ALX SASA, a project for Alx, inspired by ALX, which is peculiar to ALX students alone. The name SASA translates to CURRENT in English Language from Africa’s most spoken indigeous language Swahili, giving it that African spirit of tenacity, persistence, ruggedness, doggedness and, originality.

The project Alx sasa seeks to assist Alx students in keeping track of their current projects as released by alx. It uses the digital clocking system and different color combinations at different intervals to communicate clearly, the time left in a particular project and help eliminate the confusion or misreading that students often experience on the Alx intranet, due to the preferred method chosen by ALX to declare time left on each project.?

Aside from keeping tabs on current projects, Alx Sasa also endeavors to motivate, inspire, and stimulate a little sense of humor among students, by providing sections such as motivational quotes, trailblazers, and memes sections. These sections empowers students to seamlessly add and share their personal motivations, inspirations, and humor among themselves, as a food for thought to guide and encourage them as they seek to achieve their common and respective goals.?

This was a lone project and it took me about 4 weeks of 2 hours a day to complete, I dedicated one week to designing and researching, one week to front-end development, one week to back-end development, and one week to cleaning up and summarizing.?

Technically, here are few things i focused on?

  1. Create a user-friendly interface, that is light and easy to understand.?
  2. Create a smooth lovely user experience, that is compatible with all screen sizes, that is, web and mobile-friendly.?
  3. Creating a countdown timer that can track projects and use different color combinations as notification to users just like the traffic lights.
  4. File uploads to the data base such as image files.
  5. Automation of database querys.
  6. Implementing the Google authentication.
  7. Creating an API that can perform CRUD operations on database
  8. ?Performing CRUD operations from the frontend, without Endpoint tools such as Postman?

Since, it was a lone project, I took turns designing the interface on Figma, developing the front end with Reactjs (Typescript template), creating the back-end with nodejs (Express), and finally integrating both of them.?

The story behind the Inspiration. what really inspired the project?

I have been an ALX student since September 2022, the first time I experienced the Alx intranet, personally, it was the first of its kind, very exciting, straightforward, and cool with very comfortable project deadlines.?

However, as months passed by, more and more projects kept dropping in with closer deadlines than earlier on, then came the rush to beat the deadline, the pressure, and the tech reality began to set in, along with the anxiety, doing hard things wasn’t just a passive phrase anymore, it now a reality, our reality as Alx-Holberton Software Engineering students.

Nevertheless, amid all the mix feelings and pressure, one thing that keeps occurring and reoccurring is the misreading of deadlines, not just by me alone, but also by other students as well, I mean in our WhatsApp groups, it’s almost a daily topic of augment until, everybody goes to intranet and confirm, most times with screenshots, and as a student it almost impossible not to experience deadline misreading at least 5 times in all your time with Alx. Although the constant misleading might be ascribed to the mixed feeling and pressure that comes with Alx, even at that, such misreadings can be mitigated by improving how the deadline is communicated to students.

With that said, a closer look at the Alx intranet, it screams the need for improvement, although there are no ambiguities in the way by which the deadline date and time are written, it is nonetheless, also very easy to misread, misinterpret or skip by students, the problem therefore, is not about what was written but how it was written. The method chosen by Alx, though not wrong, can be improved on to enhance the experience of the students, my experience. As a result on this project, I tried to implement these improvements as best as I can, and I must say it came out very stunning and it tells an amazing story. Check out the landing page

But keeping tabs on the current projects is not all there is, to this project, there are other features as you will find out before long.?

Although, I am now with Cohort 11, I started my Alx journey with Cohort 10, I was doing okay, coping with the pressure until it got to time to build and present a portfolio project, I subsequently joined a group of 2 other students, making them 3, before I joined the group, the 2 other engineers have already settled for a project they called smart choice. As at when I joined the group, the project was still around, the research stage, I was brought up to speed on what the project was all about and different duty was assigned to all members.?

As work on the project went on, i noticed that the other two engineers, though amazing and talented, their work however, needed some improvement, an improvement that i could deliver on, I decided to improve on them, a decision that saw me up doing about 95% of the total project, as a result, i missed out on the specialization stage by less than 2 marks, due to the enormous amount of time i spent on the project, that made me neglect my intranet duties.?

While the other 2 engineers made it through to the next stage, I didn’t and, I won’t lie, I was hurt, I felt used and I all most left the Alx program completely, if not for some encouraging words from the other 2 engineers and some motivational words I bumped into along with some memes that made me laugh out.?

The Alx software engineering program can be very stressful and intense, and students can easily break, sometimes it might not be due to the Alx intensity but due to their various personal experiences, which is why I felt having a motivational quotes section to motivate the students, a trailblazer section cut from the Alx weekly emails, for students to draw inspiration from, (since some students dont often read emails), and a meme section to stimulate a little sense of humor.?

This project as you would find, is not all about keeping tabs on the current project or improving the Alx intranet, as it is improving the general well-being of students. With this project, I just wanted to enhance students’ experience and general well-being.?

What I accomplished with this project??

I believe, I accomplished a total of 95% of what i set out to accomplish from the start, here is a little summary of how i utilized technology available to me and some of the features implemented.

Alx sasa data flow

For the front I chose to use the reactjs framework along with tsx (typescript and HTML) and CSS, I decided to use typescript because it will enhance the safety of the project and I wanted to get familiar with it, as I have come across many job adverts that require knowledge of reactjs with typescript.

On the backend, I used nodejs with JavaScript because I wanted to solidify my knowledge of Javascript usage in the backend. After all, before now I was only used to employing Javascript on the front end to create dynamics on apps or webpages.?

For the database, I used MySQL as the database and Sequelize as the ORM, because I believe Sequelize provided seamless integration of the database and nodejs. I used Express to create my API because like Python’s Flask it is lightweight, and falls in parallel line with my project. I used Puppeteer for data scrapping because it provided a headless browser and empowered me with the ability to log in to the intranet dynamically. I included Google Authentication as a fail-safe for my presentation, in case of any gitch with my Puppeteer.?

On the features, well here are some?

Super responsiveness across all screen sizes and it is fully compatible with mobile devices, hence users can access it from any device.?

Alx Sasa is fully equipped with dark and light modes to suit users according to their personal preferences.?

On the timer, Alx Sasa uses color combinations like that of a traffic light, to notify users about the imminent end of their current projects.?

Image post, Alx Sasa gives users the ability to add their favorite memes, motivational quotes and share the experience with other students as well.

On the landing page, the hover feature is so sweet you can almost feel the butter-milky taste in your mouth, users are bound to experience a high level of user experience. Here is a taste of the landing page.

Alx Sasa uses Google account for authentication.?

Most difficult technical challenge?

During the designing and prototype stage of ALX SASA, I thought it wise as per the reasons explained earlier to incorporate a meme and trailblazer sections both of which will comprise pictures. As a result, I needed to implement a media upload feature, that will allow users to upload media files of type gif, png, and jpeg only, preview them, and save them to the database, so the app ALX SASA can dynamically request them from the database and display them to the end users.?

Since I am using JavaScript’s nodejs on the back end, I set out to research how to accomplish this task with JavaScript’s nodejs, after my extensive research, I decided to settle for a JavaScript library called Multer, which can be implemented alongside another JavaScript library called Express, fortunately, Express is already integrated into my nodejs, even though, that didn’t make it any easier implementing Multer.?

Testing with Postman at this point shows that, images are been uploaded successfully, but the real question is, uploaded to where? Where are the images being stored? As powerful as Multer is, it does not provide a mechanism to store images directly in the database, instead it makes use of disk storage and allows you to store images in a folder provided by you in your project directory on your local machine. This, however, is not the result, I hope to accomplish but is a step in the right direction, many steps actually.

Haven’t already established my database connection with Sequelize as ORM, I created a Meme and trailblazer model respectively, these models will oversee the creation of trailblazer and memes tables with columns in the database, which will allow me to store the images as a blob datatype. with the aforementioned step taken, it remains how to get the images into the database properly. The mechanism I adopted was to use Multer to parse the image file and upload it to a temporary folder in my project directory, while I use FileReader to read the file from the temporary folder and write it to the database as blob, through Sequelize. A slick work around right? i know.!!

Again testing with Postman shows both POST and GET requests work perfectly, now I need to make the POST and GET calls from the client side(front-end) of the app (in my case I used reactjs). What sounded so simple, ended up being a more difficult task than I imagined. On the client side, I used Axios to make all calls to my API, and the GET request, returned a blob datatype, (of course, I stored the image data as a blob datatype, what was I expecting?).?

The image tag (<img src=’’ alt=’’) src dont accept blob as a valid source rather, it accepts as a source, 2 parameters, a base64 string, and the mime-type all of which are contained in the response data from the GET request call, and all thanks to Axios interceptors I was able to get the required data directly. I converted the blob to base64 string, then grabbed the mime-type from the response data along with the name data which I used as the alt=””. (Sounds very easy, but not so easy when I was working on it, experience gained).?

Now, because I wanted to create an image slide effect, instead of putting the base64, mime-type, and name directly to the image tag (<img src=’’ alt=’’) I opted to create an obj that accepts 4 parameters as arguments(caption, name, base64 string, mime-type), this way I can pull them in and slide them out, all at once.?

On the POST request, I need users to preview the image before posting, to achieve this, I set up the app to dynamically add a div with class and image tag, this div will hold the previewed image and remove it after uploading. I used FileReader together with the browser’s form data to supply the image src to the dynamically created div and img tag. With that done, It remains to set up another 2 different formData for the image file and caption text, so I can integrate them with Axios to POST to the database.?

While testing out my solution, I noticed the input fields were not clearing out, after submitting, I had to implement state management, to manage the before and after-submitting states of the input fields.?

In the end, I was able to accomplish the exact goals I set to achieve.?

What I have learned?

With this project, I have come to understand the important of breaks. While working as an engineer, taking breaks at intervals is necessary, it helps to give your mind fresh starts and fresh eyes and subsequently helps you with debugging your code. Also in this project, I explored the power of JavaScript in the backend and I can confidently say Javascript is a powerful tool, that is versatile and can be used for both front end and backend, in addition, I explored the power of typescript on the front, and all I can say is typescript is fun, although typescript is like a nagging wife, it complains a lot about everything, but it will help broaden your understanding of how Javascript works and now I understand, why it is said to be safer Javascript.

About me?

Well, my name is Ferdinand Ifeanyichukwu Charles, I am a highly resourceful, flexible, innovative, and enthusiastic individual, a team player, who possesses a considerable amount of knowledge, experience, and creative skills. One who pays attention to detail and is always eager to learn new technologies, skills, and cultures, I also love traveling as love connecting with people too, please do well to hit me up on my socials, links below lets connect and talk about the next project.




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