ALX-HOLBORTON Full Stack SE - Final Webstack - Portfolio Project : Customer File Managment System (Yiacob Tilahun Kibret, MD, SE learner)
ALX-HOLBORTON Full Stack SE - Final Webstack - Portfolio Project : Customer File Managment System (Yiacob Tilahun Kibret, MD, SE learner) alx_africa | ALX ETHIOPIA | Faces of ALX SE | Abel Asfaw | Julien Barbier | Maarten van Middelaar | Fred Swaniker | Guillaume Salva | Holberton School
Customer File Management System
No More Fear to Governmental Offices in Africa
This project is our Final Webstack Portfolio Project, concluding our specialization of backend and a year at ALX-Holberton School. We pitched ideas about different projects and decided to come up to this project.
What is Customer File Management System?
File management system in which offices will register customer information and upload all customer related files which are originally maintained as hard-copies. Once customer’s information is registered and all of his/her files are uploaded any service provided by the office which requires checking of customer’s previous record will be carried out using the system in which any office employee who wishes to access a customer’s file will send a file access request that will be reviewed by designated accounts. Upon receiving such requests, he/ she will have the option to either accept or deny. If accepted, the user who initiated the file request will have access to the customer’s file for a limited amount of time which will be set to a default value. Within this period, the user will be able to both read existing files and upload new files that he/she worked on.
Group Members
Idea of Inspiration for the Project
In Ethiopia and most parts of Africa, people are afraid to have to go to different governmental offices and have to pass lots of paper works. The burden on the workers side as well has become immense that there should be a system to address such obstacles.
Story: a client went to a governmental office and the workers are tired to even find the files from the room of full of dust folders in the shelves. Moreover, it is difficult to get acquainted and cope of which office requested the customer file in-order to take the file to the respective office. What a tragedy but simple problem to solve that can change the prospects of good delivery in the governmental office!
What does Customer File Management System do?
-?Customer registration
-?Customer file upload
-?File Access control
-?Time constrained file access
Technology and Architecture
Core Algorithm and Code Snips
Timeline for the Project
Technical Interests Awareness
Areas of Improvement and Next steps
Next Steps:?
Existing Solution
There many document management systems both open source and paid that offer very good solutions. But our system is based on a specific need which we observed in government offices in our country where there are large hardcopies of customer files that need be managed digitally.?Besides having a digital copy of such files there is a need to control access in such a way that an employee should access a customer’s file only when he/she is about to do some sort of work or provide service to a client. These timed control and request based access is what we believe makes our system best fitted for the problem we observed.?
Group (Abel Asfaw Dinsa and Yiacob Tilahun Kibret) credit.
Deployment on specific facility
My GitHub account:?
Free Software, Hell Yeah! Ooops not free, but contact me gmail: [email protected]