There is always a way, if you are committed

There is always a way, if you are committed

Life is short. Give something (or everything) you have got only if you’ve been waiting for the stars to align in your favour, if you’ve been waiting for that perfect moment to arrive… I’ve got some news for you: It will never come. Success in any aspect of life starts with your mindset. Faulty beliefs and assumptions are like powerful headwinds halting your progress and blowing you off course.

Moreover, in order to truly “go all out” and make unprecedented progress, you must make the decision at a core level to hold nothing back. You must take a good look at your life and decide that nothing is going to stand in your way of success. Back in high school I made the decision that no one was going to beat me to the finish line. I made a commitment at a fundamental level that I was going to do anything it took to achieve my goal.

And this kind of raw, unrestrained dedication is extremely powerful. Trust me. It’s hard to commit yourself to something if your finish line is just a nebulous point off in the distance. So before you do anything, get ruthlessly clear about what your ultimate outcome looks like. Nail down exactly what you want, how you are going to get there and on what sort of timeline you plan to reach your destination.

For me once, I want to have the freedom to pay my way through college, go to Himalayas next summer and help build a school for 100 orphans in a hilly village. This is what motivates me to continuously give my all. Your goals will undoubtedly be different, and that’s fine. The key is to sculpt a vision that is so freaking awesome you are willing to do anything to achieve it.

While the right mindset will give you the motivation you need to bring your A Game, if you focus on unimportant activities you still aren’t going to get anywhere! “Going for it” doesn’t mean quadrupling your work load. Work for the sake of work is not the goal. The goal is to live and work on your own terms. This is especially significant if you already have a busy life full of responsibilities. In order to achieve freedom and escape the trap of selling your time for money, you must be ruthlessly selective about what you work on and what you ignore.

What should you work on? It all depends upon what stage you are on right now. But if I could work on just one aspect of my business, creating invaluable content would be it. No question. Hands down. In fact, I’ve restructured my days so that creating value is the vast majority of what I do. Inspired by Pareto’s 80/20 principle, I now spend 70-80% of my time creating content “systems” and only 20-30% networking and promoting my business.

Unfortunately, personal drive usually isn’t enough. It may be enough to get you started, but after a week or two the “new years resolution effect” begins to set in and your initial enthusiasm slowly begins to fade. In order to stay committed, you need a way of holding yourself accountable. Use the weekly daily goals system to keep track of your most important tasks. At the beginning of each week, write down your top goals for the next 7 days. Before you go to bed each night, write down 2-3 key tasks that, if accomplished, will leave you satisfied with your day. Once you complete your goals for the day, stop guilt free.

Tell others what you are doing. At the very least, tell your family about the goals you’re trying to reach. Even if their reactions are less than supportive, getting your ambitions out in the open will help you stay committed. Join a community. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are rooting for (and expecting) your success can be extremely powerful. It can provide you with the confidence and motivation you need to take your business to a whole new level.

There will always be a new problem standing in your way. Something you need to do before you can fully commit yourself.T o change ones life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions. Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.

But we all have said we were going to do something when we are in an excited mood and after the excitement leaves we no longer wish to do what we said we were going to do. It’s very common in our society today. It partially comes from a lack of self discipline and partially it is no longer realistic for us to be commitment to it. It’s not your mistake alone. Everyone make this mistake due to lack of self discipline.

Commitment is a practice of self discipline. It is something that we have to continue to work on every day. How to stay committed to what you said long before. We need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. Remind ourselves what got us excited about what we are doing. Remind ourselves the benefits of staying committed. Reward ourselves with something if we see through what we said we were committed to. (most important one, it’ll keep you cheered up in achieving your goal) It’s going to be a lot of hard work but it is worth it. Don’t look back later on in life and regret all the things we never finished because the lack of discipline and commitment.

The sort of things are things which take months, and sometimes even years to master and excel at them. But when we actually get to doing them, we expect ourselves to miraculously become the best or the effects to start showing immediately. You'll have to understand that things are not going to change overnight.

It is quite possible that you know that it will take a long time and that is what makes you drift away. In this case, you could try making short-term goals measurable goals which you could track. For example, if you're reading a really fat book, you could aim for reading a certain number of chapters in a certain number of days. Sometimes, we realize that we do not really feel like doing a certain thing. It just doesn't hold your interest because we don't see any direct or indirect value it will add to our lives. Here, you might work on understanding the purpose behind doing anything you do and keeping that in mind, every time you might feel distracted. Cheers!


