Always Thankful
Michelle Tillis Lederman, CSP, SCC, Leadership Speaker
Creating Connected Leaders And Cultures Where Relationships Drive Success. Likability and Communications Author. Forbes Top 25 Networking Expert. MG100 Coach. TEDx Coach.
It's Thanksgiving next week already, can you believe it?
In past years, I have asked you to share what you were thankful for that year with the hashtag #AlwaysThankful. I love hearing from you. If you have time, please post something again this year using the same hashtag, and be sure to tag me!
Whether you share it on social media or not, Thanksgiving is a wonderful reminder to think about the things that we are grateful for in our lives.
Although I sometimes forget to follow my own advice and celebrate my small accomplishments, I am pretty good at remembering to appreciate the big and small ways those around me have a positive impact on my life.
If I haven’t had the chance to tell you in person, please know that I appreciate you! Thank you for sticking with me, for your understanding, encouragement, and patience. This has been an amazing year with the launch of my book, The Connector's Advantage. I sincerely appreciate all of the support around the book and hope it has made a difference in your life.
THANK YOU all for being an awesome, ongoing support system for me. In addition to all of you, the best supporters I have are my family and I'm so grateful for them.
I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you have many, many reasons to be thankful this year. #alwaysthankful