It's during trying times that it does us good to remember that Thanksgiving is an opportunity to be grateful for all that has been. I sincerely hope the following story helps.
I had an aunt and uncle who were together for more than forty-five years, worked extremely hard, struggled to get everything they had, but were generous to a fault and always had a very welcoming home.
It was just before my aunt was about to retire that they both decided to sell their original family home in the city and buy their dream home on the water in a small country village.
They had only spent a single summer there when the unthinkable happened, one very foggy November morning my aunt left for work and being unfamiliar with the roads coupled with the intense amount of fog accidentally rolled he car through a stop sign and into the path of an on coming vehicle.
She died instantly, leaving behind her husband, three adult children, seven grandchildren, three sisters, a brother, numerous sister & brother in-laws, dozens of nieces & nephews, and many friends.
I was asked to speak at her funeral and was faced with the incredible honor and unenviable task of trying to convey my own feelings, as well as everyone else’s during this very emotional time.
This is what I decided to say, I pray “If Not For You” can provide a small measure of gratitude this Thanksgiving and inspires others to take a moment to share this post on behalf of anyone grieving this holiday Richard is the author of "It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later; A Collection Of Inspirational Parables” and its newly released 2nd edition “The Best Is Yet To Come.”
If not for you we may never have known. The magic in marrying ones soul mate. The pleasure of a sister in-laws company or the laughter shared with an aunt.
We would not have felt. The delight in a mother’s joy. The passion of a grandmother’s pride. or the sorrow in her loss.
If not for you, we may never have seen. The compassion and generosity of one. Who could not always afford to give or the worry that came with both.
We could not have shared. The depth of a sister’s love. The grief in a friend’s passing or the anguish of a relationship lost.
If not for you we would have nothing to rejoice.?
? Richard Lawrence Belford
In this life no one is promised tomorrow and we often leave or are left wishing we had just five more minutes. This makes grief one of society’s most profoundly difficult experiences that cannot be resolved by closure alone if there is even such a thing, but by the slow measure of acceptance that only the passage of time and words of comfort can provide.
GenZ Publishing believes It's Goodbye, It’s See You Later ―The Best is Yet to Come can provide that comfort and will not only inspire those who read its words to always say; “I’ll see you later, instead of goodbye", but also believe; “The best is yet to come!”The book is available worldwide on If you would like to learn more please visit:
Richard has always felt that those who have experienced loss should support one another’s efforts to comfort others and is grateful to The Centering Corporation's Executive Director Janet Roberts and Grief Digest Magazine for theirs.
He would also like to thank Love What Matters for including his heartfelt stories in conjunction with their mission to celebrate love, compassion and kindness that provide the encouragement it takes to overcome life’s challenges.
“ I wish Thanksgiving helped us see. No matter where we find ourselves. How grateful we should be.” ― Richard Lawrence Belford
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