Simone Fonseca Freitas Rodrigues da Silva
Mestre e Doutora em Ortodontia
Since the origin of the consciousness of our history, science in its broadest sense, even if empirically, has always remained present, resolving the facts and improving the life of the society inserted in it. So today it will not be different. Science with all its modern technology will find a solution to our current problems.
Currently we encounter the term “science” in all media every day. Never before, the word “science” had been so popular, even in the less favored social classes. There is talk of how much science is striving to find a faster and more effective solution for covid-19, which has claimed thousands of lives in a few months since its emergence.
Although it may be imperceptible to many, science is present everywhere and almost invisibly to the most inattentive eyes. In our quality of life, at work, in transport, at home, at leisure, in the preparation of food, in our body, in all our daily lives.
The scientific study, in practice, is easy to understand, it would be a kind of “creating a new cake recipe” to solve and discover new possibilities, using the scientific method. Thus, the researcher identifies, for example, a new flour of interest, formulates questions and hypotheses based on his knowledge or scientific literature. If changing the traditional flour to a new flour, will it improve the quality, flavor and softness of the cake? Then, experiments, comparative, and statistical tests are performed to reach a satisfactory result and conclusion. Scientific results are made available to the public, giving science all the power to produce new knowledge and technologies for the well-being of society.
Simone Fonseca Freitas