Always respect the Innovators, Influencers, Creators and Pioneers

Always respect the Innovators, Influencers, Creators and Pioneers

An Opinion by Francis Kanyongolo

Wise People say wisdom is better than gold.

And some also say we need other people to lean on, if we are to make it in day to day situations.

Indeed Rome was not built in a day.

For one to be an asset to the collective there is need to appreciate the fact that there creators or innovators, who come up with ideas, creations, and even solutions that make our lives easy or better.

In essence we need to understand that any given society has a particular way of doing things.

As time passes, we get to familiarize ourselves with the norms/the culture, and this becomes a significant mode/system that guides our very way of life.

Of course things may not always be rosy as we navigate through life, since there will always be hurdles or disappointments along the way, people letting each other down, so on and so forth.

?However as stated earlier, our appreciation of creators or innovators will always go a long way, as far as demystifying our lives.

Let me break it down here.

In Politics or the running of Governments, once citizens understand where they are coming from, they can know how best to participate in their respective systems.

Case in point can be that of transitioning from dictatorship or military systems to democracies.

Surely citizens will begin to safeguard their new found freedoms, and at some point they will come to appreciate how their freedom fighters struggled.

Again if the leaders are innovative or ambitious enough to bring technological development to their nations, they get to be praised by their subjects.

Indeed all of us hope and pray for the day when our economies will improve and be at par with other developed societies or nations.

But we must also acknowledge that this may take some time, owing to the fact that the pace of development varies from one society to another.

On a lighter note, let me also talk about the entertainment industry, fashion designing, food, as some other areas where we have creators, innovators and influencers who develop genres, trends, recipes that outlive them.

For us to be entertained with movies, series, music, it takes someone to create the genre, art form or piece in question.

You can agree with me that the so called movie/series reboots, speak volumes about the amount of salt/creativity of those artists from the past century.

Even when it comes to designs for clothes, food recipes, there has to be a creator first, if the piece or dish in question is to trend or go viral.

Sincerely we need to respect such genius.

Let us also talk about other important areas like education and work.

People are always changing their systems of education; work, so as to suit current lifestyles or trends, which are mostly technological like the present time of smart phones, tablets.computers and so on.

Nonetheless it would be a huge mistake to discard or cancel past systems of manual or analog work.

Think about the time when we used to write personal/business letters on paper and we posted them with the post office services.

?Better yet we wrote Curriculum Vitas (CVs), essays or dissertations on paper.

Believe you me it is a wonderful feeling to see everything developing from scratch on paper, hand written, before using smart phones, tablets or computers.

?And how many of us today take time to read a hard copy of a news paper, magazine or novel?

Most people, companies or organizations who publish the mentioned media are nowadays complaining that their businesses are going down, due to the coming in of social media-Sad, but true.

So where do we go from here?

?The answer might not be so simple, but I feel it will help us all if we go back to basics or the drawing board once in a while.

Once we understand how something was started by the innovators, creators, influencers, or think tanks, we will be in a better position to appreciate that which is in front of us.

It is never too late to give homage to the creators, influencers and innovators.

The time to act is now.


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