THE VALUE OF COMMITMENT Commitment is the?state or quality of dedicating oneself to a cause or an activity, and it implies a promise or a firm decision to be consistent with one’s intentions. It is associated to something we have agreed to do and carry out, and at times can refer to an unexpressed pledge to oneself to respect our promise.
It is binding one’s self to a course of action, a promise, a pledge, or a firm agreement. To make a commitment, therefore, involves seriousness of disposition, sincerity of decision and steadfastness towards its completion. Breaking it can easily damage integrity or reputation. No wonder, commitment, like honesty, is a lonely word (as a song goes).
Think about the commitments in your life. What do they all have in common? A promise. Commitment is a pledge to give your time and energy to something or someone you believe in. Practicing commitment is not always easy and requires incredible mental resilience to maintain, particularly in the face of adversity, but we all have the opportunity to live this core value every day.