Always look for what is BEST in others
People are often cynical in nature and hence, they tend to look more at the negative aspects of others rather than discerning and appreciating any positive aspects or noble virtues. We should train our minds to look at what is positive in others. For that, we have to build a positive mindset to notice what is beautiful, endearing and inspiring in others. Rather than finding fault in others, if we change ourselves and stay away from negative thoughts and feelings, we can remain peaceful and happy for long. Hence, we should make an earnest effort to identify and root out a nitpicking attitude.
Let me take you through a story. Once there lived a King who had only an eye and a leg. Though physically challenged, he was an efficient statesman renowned for his generosity and intelligence. The people of his kingdom lived a happy and prosperous life. One day, while walking through the palace hallway, he saw the portraits of his forefathers. He thought that some day his children would walk through the same hallway and look at the portraits of their ancestors. Hence, he wanted to paint a beautiful portrait of himself soon. The King summoned famous painters from all over his kingdom as well as from neighboring kingdoms to the court. The King then announced that he wanted a nice portrait of himself made to be placed in the palace. The painting chosen as the best would be rewarded. All the painters knew that the King had only a leg and an eye, and hence they were perplexed as to how they could paint a beautiful picture of the King. They thought that the King would get angry and punish them if the painting did not turn up nice. So, one by one, all of them made excuses and politely declined to make a painting of the King.
All of a sudden, one painter came in and said that he would make a very beautiful portrait of the King that would surely be like those of his forefathers. Hearing this, the King became very happy while the other painters grew curious. The King permitted him to go ahead, and the painter started making a portrait. After a while, the painter managed to complete the portrait. When the painter presented the portrait, everyone in the court, including the King was spellbound. The painter had made a portrait of the King sitting on a horse, with his one leg on the side of the horse, holding a bow and aiming an arrow with his one eye closed. The King was thrilled beyond words seeing the portrait, as the painter had indeed made an excellent portrait by cleverly masking his physical shortcomings. The painter was given a priceless reward!
Like this clever painter, let us paint pictures of others by overlooking their weaknesses and highlighting their noble qualities. Be optimistic as only an optimist can always be positive, choosing to see the best in all situations. Let us nurture a positive attitude so that we can enrich the lives of those around us with words of encouragement.
May God Bless all of you!