Always Be happy and contented
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
When you look at a smiling baby how do you feel? He is contented, and perfectly happy. He neither worries about his father's social status, nor about which car his playmate goes to visit the doc in. But, that doesn't make him stagnant. He learns new things every week, or maybe every day. Last week he learnt a new sound. Yesterday he managed to walk on his knees. Today he learnt that the plastic cap tastes amazing. Good job kid !! Being happy and contented only means accepting and loving whatever you are, which is an absolute necessity. And loving yourself also leaves you with a responsibility to gift yourself the best version of you. Be a baby. Be happy. Be happy about working on your betterment.?
The fact is that no one would be happy if he don't pursue his dreams! By pursuing dreams He witness the journey. and journey that gives us happiness not destination (peaceful warrior)- Ethically righteous way to understand what is our goal. By pretending to be happy and contended never make you happy though it will be helpful look impressive for others, but self will remain unhappy. If you have that guts which make you fit to fight war then go to war and enjoy it, this make you happy. If you kept yourself back from what you want to pursue and start regretting later that “i would have been there,had i not been pretended to be happy rather than striving for what i could have done” this feeling will make your life worse than what you could have achieved.
And most important is that one should live in present. The power of now challenges you to try for more then go for it. you can be happy whilst journeying, Only if you strive to enjoy the journey not destination! I have few questions for you to contemplate. How do you decide which is your best version? Is that judgment criteria based on rationality, or your instinct, or your social conditioning? How does being happy and content halt you from being productive and creative??
Does this have more to do with “your concept about happiness”? I have heard many people saying that being in the moment (which is the source of happiness and contentment) increase their potential. However, everyone is different, therefore, I leave that up to you to ponder whether it is your concept that is decreasing your potential or it is really the experience of contentment. In my opinion, you can always try more, try to make the world better place, always be more productive and creative while being happy and content.?
Being happy and contented doesn’t change skills and potentials, however, I guess we have put a label to it, that one should stop putting effort when one is satisfied. It is that mental label which makes us lazy. The motivation to be more productive is not only competition or stress, but also the joy of creation, compassion, willingness to make the world better place, curiosity, etc. Because happiness and satisfaction is what everyone in this world is looking for. There are many things in life which we wish to do but somehow we aren't able to do it.
Your happiness can bring smiles and satisfaction to many other faces. Imagine when you have had tiring day and you come home and your wife serves you a hot cup of tea, you drink it and feel so satisfied and happy because your mom was able to get it for you. You were not the one who actually stepped in the kitchen to get it for yourself. Your wife too had a tiring day, she must be working the entire day doing all the house chores, cooking etc. But when she gives you a hot cup of tea and experiences the satisfaction on your face. She is more happier than you!
The world will always be competitive till you feel so. The day we stop comparing our selves with others, we will be at out best. Each one of us is born different and unique. Also, being happy and satisfied always doesn't stop you from being your best. You will be your best, but not always and not in every aspect. Remember the famous tag line which each one of us say “No one is perfect”. Cheers!