Always Give God Your Best, Part II

Always Give God Your Best, Part II

Welcome back! Thanks for taking a few minutes again, as we continue with the second triplet, “Talents.” How this T is manifested in your life has immeasurable implications in God’s world.

Time, Talents and Treasure are hallmarks of our individual lives. These important personalized stewardship pillars are gifted and entrusted to all people by our Creator. How we utilize these maxims demonstrates in large measure how fulfilled we will be … not only in our personal lives but how they will impact those closest to us; how our talents are reflected — positively or negatively — in our communities and, I would add by extension, the states of our nation and the entirety of the world.

“Everyone to whom much is given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” If you are generous with your time, and talents as well as your treasure, you’ll no doubt one day hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful steward.” Luke 12:48 Check out Pastor Eugene H. Peterson’s biblical version of this passage from “The Message,” “The servant who knows what his master wants and ignores it, or insolently does whatever he pleases, will be thoroughly thrashed. But if he does a poor job through ignorance, he’ll get off with a slap on the hand. Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!”

Derrick Feldmann of the Case Foundation notes, “When I started my graduate studies, the word ‘philanthropy’ appeared often. Through textbooks, I learned the traditional definition of philanthropy: Love of humankind in the form of time, talent and treasure.”

Are we demonstrating our God-given talents daily in such a way to glorify the One who gave them to us, or are we using them strictly to advance our own agendas for personal gain?

Do we take the credit for whatever, when acknowledged by others, or do we recognize and thank them for their kindness and then return the praise back to God who gave us the ability?

It absolutely amazes me how gracious our Lord is to us. As we look over the relationships that all of us have, why is it a wonder that to one person God has given certain talents and to another He extends totally different abilities. Everyone has been blessed with specific gifts! We each play a role so that the purposes of our Creator are fulfilled.

Our life’s work on the professional and vocational sides are indeed blessings, but our natural bent toward Kingdom building is another aspect that is crucial on the eternal front.

Everyone plays a part. No one is excluded although some, sadly, continue to sit on the sidelines. We were all created to be in community with one another. This is great news because Jesus wants all of us to joyfully work in building up the Body of Himself … which is His Church. To everyone within our own faith communities, we have specific jobs to do as well. God is honored in this way.

Pastor Kyle with Dwell Community Church indicates, “The early Christians ‘continuously devoted themselves to fellowship.’ Acts 2:42. This word ‘fellowship’ is koinonia, which means ‘to have in common’ or ‘to share.’ Being united with Christ then, we are to share the life of Christ with one another in a way that results in individual and corporate spiritual growth.” The stakes have never been higher. Our work is important and necessary.

If you think our Lord is asking or prompting you to step out in faith — or maybe it’s something outside of your comfort zone — to help in your faith community … trust the Lord and take a step forward! If you don’t participate in fellowship with a faith community right now, maybe the Lord is compelling you through these printed words to join a fellowship that focuses on the teaching and preaching from God’s Word.

I took a medical ethics class at Albion College from Jack Padgett many moons ago, and I continue to agree with Brand Blanchard’s philosophy regarding one’s affairs, “create the greatest good for the greatest amount of people.” Taking this principle home: Doing our very best in applying our God-given talents will not only make our lives better, it also allows us to focus an emphasis on the betterment of others.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3: 23-24 ESV If this crown that awaits us as described by Paul in the New Testament is true, all of us would do well to strive with every fiber of our being, to work with all diligence and purpose solely for the One who gave you a shot at life … for a reason.

As humanity serves our Lord in a myriad of ways across the face of the globe today, tomorrow and in the days to come … our efforts my friends, truly have ramifications that far exceed this life.

May this great work of the Spirit continue to lead, guide and direct our paths in the light of Christ’s presence. As we give of ourselves sacrificially, may we see God working in greater ways in and through us.


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