Always Forward

Always Forward

I’ll be honest with you. This start to the year has already been a rollercoaster for me. Starting the year off right off 75 Hard, not rolling into Phase 1 immediately or being on some program, left me for a little bit of a loop.

I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t sure where to go and started to fall back into old habits that I know didn’t serve me. So I’ve been out of sorts.

Plus, I’m the kind of guy that needs projects. I need the new exciting thing to work on. I need something challenging, stimulating. Plus I hate waiting.

Being in a reactionary state doesn’t sit well with me either. I like to plan and be out ahead of everything. To be sitting in a reaction to what’s going on, I don’t like that feeling.

Yet, as I’ve talked about recently, quitting one role to do something new just gets you farther behind. Getting through these “waiting periods” is extremely important. There is a lot of magic in the lulls. I just don’t like them. I want things to move and be exciting. The drudgery of day-to-day just grinds on me.

I want to get projects out the door, I want to complete projects. Make moves. So when I am waiting for other parts and pieces to be completed the boredom is crippling. I literally don’t know what to do with myself.

Yes, I find pieces each day to progress and move forward. I think of improvements to software and add to the list of feature requests. Everything moves forward, even on days where it’s “slow”. Because that is the other side of these slow times – nothing gets done.

When you are busy and slammed to the gills everything is moving all at once. So much is getting done. Then when your projects are over and out there door it seems like nothing gets done because you have all the time in the world.

In these slow times we have to keep moving forward. So we don’t look back in 30 days and see that we didn’t do anything. These are the times where we have to keep moving. With the rise of automation and using automation in your workflows, this means you will have more time.

So then the question becomes, what do you fill in the time with? Where are you going to go with your time now? What is the next step you can take? Where does your time need to go now? This is what you need to ask.

Like me, the answers will come to you and you’ll find the next project to work on. I know that these periods only last a week or 2 at most. Then I’ve found the next challenge, the next mountain to climb. And I’m consumed for another few months.

These are the ebbs and flows of life. They aren’t good or bad, they just are. It’s our job to see it as that, what-it-is and move forward. Doing what we have to every day and enjoying the downtime we have. No regrets, or doubts.?


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