There Will Always be FEAR
What happens when you get into fear? Do you just dive in and push through it or do you procrastinate and make excuses that sound logical and reasonable to ordinary people?
Doubt, procrastination, excuses, pretending, having it all need to make sense now... all these things have killed millions of dreams.
One thing I know about you is that you are not ordinary! You are meant for great things.
On your way you will be challenged and pulled by things that are not in alignment with your vision, your dream. Just notice and then decide what to do next.
This is normal. Life doesn't get easy just because you know what you want and make a decision to go for it.
Recognize this is the beginning of a beautiful unfoldment of your next bigger, grander version of yourself. It's being on the edge of your next area to grow.
On the edge of your next area to grow... are you going to grow or are you going to settle... back into that uncomfortable comfort zone?
If I can support you in living a life you LOVE, I'd love to offer you a no-cost strategy session to get clear on your dream, take a look at why you aren't living it now, and the next steps toward it. Send me a message and we will schedule a time.
Susan Kennedy