Always debate about sexual education at school
Christian Network Europe ( Christian news for continental Europe is a Christian news site for continental Europe. #ConnectingChristians
Hello there!
Spring is in the air. And that means that schools in many countries are expected to educate about sexuality. This leads to debate. Because, is this only to learn how a little brother or sister is born? Or is this an instrument for the state to teach a "rainbow worldview"? Joe-Lize gives a comment about this.
Liberals in Poland had hoped that a new government would skip the strict abortion law. But even after a few months, it is clear that liberalising abortion is not simple. Katie writes about this.
Our new author from Romania, Marius Bagu, starts with an article with some "reflective questions". How honest are we as Christians? A good read.
We hope that this week's articles help you in your Christian journey and in making decisions.
Warm regards,
Evert van Vlastuin, chief-editor