Always Be Closing (ABC) Vs Value

Always Be Closing (ABC) Vs Value

Shifts in trends alter consumer behavior. Shifts in consumer behavior alter the perception of how communication is received. And when it's the perception that modifies, there becomes a need to reevaluate HOW messages are being relayed.

Remarkable movies like #margincall #bigshort #boilerroom #glengarryglenross #wolfofwallstreet convey the ONLY sound prerequisite of a successful sale is to CLOSE, CLOSE CLOSE! Given the times these blockbusters captured, when the Internet didn't exist, Wall Street defined lifestyle, and investment opportunities were rare as hen's teeth.

Convincing people to risk their savings by selling DREAMS through tactical approaches was a cinch to execute, regardless of the success-to-failure ratio as long as the ultimate result was........SALE CLOSED!

With time evolving, exposure widening, and the collection of historic scenarios made the ABC mechanism contentious on its own without comprehending the need of delivering value. So does the ABC mindset hinder or complement the value-centric selling mannerism?

We're in an era that doesn't support the 'Customer is Always Right' belief nor the ABC technique individually, because the key differentiating metric is TIME.....And that deserves to be respected on both ends of dealings.

Let's say there's a situation entailing a follow-up with a client to secure a deal, who brushes it off saying He/She doesn't have TIME at the moment and requests to reschedule. There are 2 ways of reverting to this situation;

  1. Customer is Always Right - "Oh, ok, so when do you think you'll be able to make time?"
  2. ABC Mindset - "Well I do have to let you know my schedule will be getting busy and if I can't know exactly around when you'd be available, I can't assure you I'll be able to revert, so how about since I have you on the call right now, we sync our calendar for next week to see when it's mutually convenient?"

TIME is MONEY, and deserves to be respected on both ends of any dealings. Surely some aspects of ABC techniques in regards to setting urgency on customers' end are practically efficient however, still remain VALUE driven to ensure you're maintaining the relationship.

WHY is a question I notice isn't asked enough in sales, which on its own is a powerful conscious trigger getting customers to think, as well as establishing confidence as you're getting a clearer picture of what they want.

Be Value Centric Always! However, understand your time is equally deserving of respect as your clients, and if need to reinstate that, don't hesitate to bring out the ABC tools, but build the overall foundation of your working relationship in good faith, trust, and confidence, which only comes when you're focused on delivering VALUE!

#sales #abc #value #communicationskills #mutualrespect #timeismoney #projectmanagement


